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you just said adeks name 3 times in your paragraph. why are you talking about him ?

you must be thinking about him in your sleep par, you should be ashamed of yourself.


I know you sit there wishing something bad would happen to the out of towners - or anyone whos

killing it for that matter.

wishing you could get some shine - we get it, youre red in the face exploding with envy, we know.

why dont you just simply go in harder so your shit talking can at least have some substance.

as of right now out of towners touched your sensitive button and took you out of your form in your own city. sucks for you - we know.


''yet nyc niggas are letting out of towners get over'' - papo 139th.


arent you from nyc? why are you letting out of towners get over?

why dont you get up and do something about it? i got faith that youll burst of your bitter cocoon

and do something great in life.

til then, please, keep your discontent to yourself. [/color]



who the fuck is hating hahahaha this nigga failed hahahaha..

son you used to play smart but that was ddddddumb b...

hahahah .. thinking he nice and shit assuming shit ahhahah

iight b.. 10

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