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Today marks the one year death anniversary of one of my best friends, kon2. He was hit by a train and died between 125 and 116 on the one line. He was my beloved friend, and anybody who met him loved him immediately. While he was not very up, he was dedicated to graffiti, and enjoyed writing on any surface, with anything he could get his hands on. He was one of the coolest, most laid back, most genuinely nice people you could ever meet, and he rolled the best blunt. He was gonna go all city with me (in 2012). Rest In Peace/Power/Piff/Pussy...KON2 VAF MOB TGA. You live on in me, and I will never forget you. I love you my brother and I will see you soon.


you talking bout that kid con2 who wrote with noyz in like 06?

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^no, i don't have low self esteem, you're making fun of the fact that one of my friends died. you're a fucken faggot who has no feelings, and needs to fall off the face of the earth...i'm actually in shock that a human being could be so apathetic. if you had written some shit like that i would've said RIP, cause i know what a loss is. can't you just let people rock without having to put your bum ass 2 cents in. you could've said nothing and let it rock, but nah you gotta say something stupid like that.


and you prolly aren't smart enough to know what apathetic is so here is the definition:


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