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say what you will about gimmick tags. they get the job done.



perfect example. PAPA LOVES BABY.


I never took hands like that seriously, I don't think the people who write it do either. They're like bumper stickers.

Most of the time it's kids like what, I forget who said it, was saying about how names like that are just kids who bar hop and meet other writers while partying.

Neckface is the only one of them who gets a microscopic amount of respect, those long ass creepy arms with the nails and the arm hair were cool. Neckface begins was cool by the bridge, anyways that's the weed talking.

Scoping out train tunnels and planning bombs in advance aint what these kids are about.


Jesus Saves is just a name I've seen pop up in different locations, always street level stuff. But it isn't a gimmick tag. The only message behind papa loves baby is the girl who wrote baby dino a year ago.





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was there really a need for that much of a thesis?..



ok. this is the last answer ill do to this subject. i never said this nigga was nasty . nor did i say he was all city or "killed shit" the name of the game is to get ur name around no?.. and you obviously heard of him as i can see by ur baby gray colored speach. simple as that bredrino... gimmicks catch on and get noticed faster than most others.



can i ask you this is he trash? does he have talenbt? simply putting your name up everywhere isnt "getting it done" anyone can buy some paint and catch tags everywhere. doing it with skills is something different and as for gimmick tags its simply wack.


like if graffiti was rap this is papa loves baby and jesus saves.......



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only suckers and toys fall for these gimmick writers and call this shit graff its a corny publicity stunt and a mockery of real niggas puttin that twerk in a real writer would neva take that shit serious same way real hip hop rap niggas who listen to big l mobb deep wu etc etc dont take solja boy etc serious

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to dek: never said he was gettin it done in graff. no hes not nice at all. not the point i was making. u brought up gimmicks. that was the subject. stay on it. as far as gimmicks go .. HE GETS THAT DONE.



to P.. why am i not surprised u had something to say.. ^ same to u. and i never claimed to be a real writer. never even claimed to write. i just know when to call bullshit.


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i love these assholes that think they no everything and everyone else is ignorant because they have a different opinion. I dont pay attention to conspiracy theories and other liberal or right wing spins on things such as war/political corruption etc. My realities teach me, and thats all that matters.

I happen to be one for wiping out all who oppose us with violence or threats of violence. If innocent people get in the way thats the price of war. We lose innocent as well. police your own.

I also am for shutting the borders and its obvious why.

now these are my opinions right? wrong? who knows its how i feel. dont talk down to people.




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maybe u should go back and surf the pages and see what the convo was about my instigator before you run up in a AB convo n end up clueless my short bus.



like i said toys and suckers fall for gimmicks like the ignorant masses fall for any lie .. u usually moonwalk ya way in my ab convos with slick remarks dont get weak in chest now my anonymous marshmellow

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to dek: never said he was gettin it done in graff. no hes not nice at all. not the point i was making. u brought up gimmicks. that was the subject. stay on it. as far as gimmicks go .. HE GETS THAT DONE.


yto jbogard yout entitled to your own thoughts. dont take it as me dissing you we in a form i dont have pics to post so i like to stir things up by posting my 2 sense you know? we arguing our point not our brawn. so take it as a difference in opinion. not me dissing you feel me?


yo P i agree with you 100 % and im not throwing the old timer shit into anything, because u have to understand as young as some of the youngings are in this game now. as we joke on some of these 15- 18 years olds are now trying to do there thing, me, p , dirty do em, billion dolla and others in here arent dinosaurs the thing is we appreciate our time when we started and while we were in the mix. there was a certain level or respect. like niggas would almost have apprenticeship in this graff game now any nigga with a can of montana or ink would a digicam that steals pics off flickr or photobuckets everything are self proclaimed kings. and its wack. because 90% of the dudes coming out now a days arent talented, and they front like they gangsters, and when approached in person they fold up like envelopes. thats why we complain. back then it was aiight bet lil nigga u bombed you have a whole line locked down, down throw your knuckles up lets what you saying. and it wasnt 1 nigga in a crew. it was your entire crew that had to grab a can up and put your man up yah dig. so everyone had to be nice.

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