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All i here yk say is tgk life but i think wasnt saper the prez of that crew?? Like not for nothin im pretty sure he was and now ya got beef with him but still push the crew no? Just sayin and not to jock p but that posta doesnt look anything like a rime or ewok so the whole comprassion was swagged ...

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This girl i used to live with dipped and rented her room oiut to this fucking anorexic bone girl who put fucking entire zuchinnis, squashes, and other (already nasty) vegetables in the microwave . She wouldnt cut them or mix them with anything, just solid vegetables...She nuked them for about 15-20 minutes and they lit on fire. Let me tell you the smell of that burnt veggie smoke was the most sickening thing ive ever smelt.


HAHAHAHHA ohhh man ,, that is pretty crazy...



but cant it really top microwaved shit, (literally shit!!), in a plastic bag ..

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this is a prime example of of what i mean when i say the internet ruined real graff .. extreme toys like this kid yk or whatever he writes get to have an opinion now a days .. of all the niggas to analyze my shit it has to be a toy like this that started writing in 2006 someone i would never acknowledge ..my flea i see your emotional side is on broadway right now .. i know i kno i sonned you again and again on here .. and at the end of the day your just some young bx toy that use to look up to and jock my clique to the 3rd degree.. toys like you that hate from the sidelines really just want to be accepted by us .. we know this !! its like an unwanted child finding new ways to get attention from his parents.. this right here is the way yk gets his attention because with out 12oz he could not ever ever ever get acknowledged by me or anyone i fuck with .. or any official writer .. now go make another fake name to take breezy under my flea ..your career is on life support.. as a matter of fact .. what career your a certified TOY




SORRY TOO BUST YOU'RE BUBLE, BUT YOU'RE NOT A PERSON TOO LOOK UP TOO MAYBE SPEK SINCE RYNO REMO AG AND COPE2 BEFORE THE SHIT TALKING, BUT YOU JUST STAY ON THIS SITE POST FLICKS OF YOU'RE SELF And Brag about how it was done back then that was before when cops didnt give too fucks bout graffiti back then when you'll get a ticket or you're face painted if you're outaa luck, its not about back then it's about who still doing it and who's doing it now, fillin's wont last for ever look at the 2n5 line saper had it on smash but look at it now, but shout out too all them graff writers who's been doing it for years and still have time in there hands too still keep there names up, THIS IS NOT YK IAND IM NOT HERE TOO HELP HIM I JUST HAD TOO SAY SOMTHING so i finally made a account after so many year looking on this site

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ok, so the top flick says 08...the bottom flick you are saying was 2001...(can i get a LOL for you lying there...but for arguments sake i'll pretend thats true)


so you're saying that in 8 long years THIS is the progress you made?!?!


thats almost worse than you lying about how old the first flick is lol...when i was coming up, youngsters didnt act like this...doing 30 shitty fills and yelling like they king. try being humble, if you up, then we gonna see it. no need to fake anything...people always gonna remember you making a fool of yourself online trying so hard. do yourself a favor and just paint...try some style.


lesson over





nev snc minus




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SORRY TOO BUST YOU'RE BUBLE, BUT YOU'RE NOT A PERSON TOO LOOK UP TOO MAYBE SPEK SINCE RYNO REMO AG AND COPE2 BEFORE THE SHIT TALKING, BUT YOU JUST STAY ON THIS SITE POST FLICKS OF YOU'RE SELF And Brag about how it was done back then that was before when cops didnt give too fucks bout graffiti back then when you'll get a ticket or you're face painted if you're outaa luck, its not about back then it's about who still doing it and who's doing it now, fillin's wont last for ever look at the 2n5 line saper had it on smash but look at it now, but shout out too all them graff writers who's been doing it for years and still have time in there hands too still keep there names up, THIS IS NOT YK IAND IM NOT HERE TOO HELP HIM I JUST HAD TOO SAY SOMTHING so i finally made a account after so many year looking on this site
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ok, so the top flick says 08...the bottom flick you are saying was 2001...(can i get a LOL for you lying there...but for arguments sake i'll pretend thats true)


so you're saying that in 8 long years THIS is the progress you made?!?!


thats almost worse than you lying about how old the first flick is lol...when i was coming up, youngsters didnt act like this...doing 30 shitty fills and yelling like they king. try being humble, if you up, then we gonna see it. no need to fake anything...people always gonna remember you making a fool of yourself online trying so hard. do yourself a favor and just paint...try some style.


lesson over



first off i never claimed to be king of this or that. im just a dude that loves graf. i don't see the point of talking shit, i rather just post flicks up and hopefully others do the same.


second, anyone that knows me knows i don't need to lie to prove anything. how is it impossible for 2 photos to be from years apart? no seriously i don't see the logic there


and finally third. yea that's what i came up with years later.its a fill in lol. i mean what did you expect from it? batwings and jetpacks? should the i and u high five each other? it is what it is. and if you can intelligently tell tell me whats wak with it then go for it.

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first off i never claimed to be king of this or that. im just a dude that loves graf. i don't see the point of talking shit, i rather just post flicks up and hopefully others do the same.


second, anyone that knows me knows i don't need to lie to prove anything. how is it impossible for 2 photos to be from years apart? no seriously i don't see the logic there


and finally third. yea that's what i came up with years later.its a fill in lol. i mean what did you expect from it? batwings and jetpacks? should the i and u high five each other? it is what it is. and if you can intelligently tell tell me whats wak with it then go for it.


simplicity in a throwup is true, but i think what he meant was that the fillin is not aesthetically pleasing..had no sense of good style i guess..to me it looks flat, the letters are diifferent sizes and squeezed too tight like a flattened sandwich..there are plenty of throwups that have great style and remain simple (seen, cecs, serf, lions) but then again its graffiti...no one HAS to follow and "rules"

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All i here yk say is tgk life but i think wasnt saper the prez of that crew?? Like not for nothin im pretty sure he was and now ya got beef with him but still push the crew no? Just sayin and not to jock p but that posta doesnt look anything like a rime or ewok so the whole comprassion was swagged ...


SAPER and MIZ were the original Prez. Saper hung out on the east side of the bx with Btc and Brt while Miz constructed a gang and hung on west side...with that said TGK bombs/bombed all over the Bronx and other boro's. Many people are down with our crew, niggas sleep but who cares? some cats forget who bred them and start to immortalize themselves.



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simplicity in a throwup is true, but i think what he meant was that the fillin is not aesthetically pleasing..had no sense of good style i guess..to me it looks flat, the letters are diifferent sizes and squeezed too tight like a flattened sandwich..there are plenty of throwups that have great style and remain simple (seen, cecs, serf, lions) but then again its graffiti...no one HAS to follow and "rules"


if you think back to that time though .. alot of throwups were far from simple that was at a time where there were more detailed or "wildstyle" like throwups poppin( pen, shine, mesoe, wayz, spek ) not everyone is gonna have a " simple " throwup and not everyone is going to find them to their liking. i'm sure when Minus made his throwup he wasnt worried about the 12 oz opinion.

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well once u get to a certain level of detail or complexity then whos to say it is or isnt a throwup and not a piece? throwups are somthin u do quickly rite? as for SPEK...plenty of style and not that complicated. MESOE...letters are bent and curved weirdly..but anyway ppl can do any style they want im just giving my opinion because this is a place for flix and discussion...

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i never really seen tgk up only in bx i mean my nigga yers has to be the only 1 i can remember seeing his burgandy tags everywhere but thats it .... and i didnt even know he was tgk till about a year ago... bronx deff has alot of tgk shit up but not alot of niggas know about ya ..... other then bronx niggas ... all i can recall is takin the jline and seeing ykae,los and ost raggin some old nat and wak simple styles... after that never really seen ya shit

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