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A young sexy blonde was in Las Vegas. She

was in the casino for about an hour until she felt thirsty. She went to

the pop machine in the hall. She put $1.00 in an a Pepsi came out, she

put another $1.00 in and another Pepsi came out, she put one last $1.00

in and another Pepsi came out. A man saw her, and he said: "What are

you doing?" And the sexy blonde said: "Duh!! Winning!!!"

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"i got your graffiti insurance right here buddy"


check it out, pay a graffiti artist well to paint your business, presto, no more unwanted graffiti. is someone screws it up, get your artist man back there and pay him to do something new. make sure u pay him. well. cheap bastards.

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'Worst' Drink in America Equal to 68 Pieces of Bacon

Thursday, May 27, 2010



Print ShareThisLOS ANGELES — A milkshake containing 2,010 calories — equivalent to eating 68 strips of bacon or 30 chocolate chip cookies — has topped a list of the 20 worst drinks in America compiled by Men's Health magazine.


The Cold Stone PB&C milkshake, made with peanut butter, chocolate ice cream and milk, contains 68 grams of saturated fat and 153 grams of sugar, according to nutritional details on the company's website.


"In terms of saturated fat, drinking this Cold Stone catastrophe is like slurping up 68 strips of bacon," the magazine said.


The second worst drink in America was listed as the Peanut Power Plus Grape from Smoothie King with a large cup packing 1,498 calories and the same amount of sugar as 20 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups chocolate and peanut butter snacks.


McDonald's large Triple Thick Chocolate Shake came in third with 1,160 calories or the equivalent of 13 of the fast food chain's hot apple pies.


A spokesman from the Cold Stone Creamery pointed out that the company does also offer low-calorie, reduced-fat options for customers looking for "a lighter indulgence" such as its range of sinless smoothies with only 110

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jus a lil sumthin fuhh yuu half ass rappers.....thiss a brooklyn lifeee we only come outt at niteee alwaizzs layinn downn thee pipeee alwaiz reddi to fighttt wee do thingss righttt fo eva lit like a lightt real brooklyn cats r branded wee the real bkay banditsss bornnn hea for a reasonnn wee the 1ss cheafinn bitches fo eva peepinnn got bitches fo eva cheesin this is..brooklynn we aint leavinn hope yu like it have a g0od evenin....casanova

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