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Haha really these kids need to get their education. They're in the 11th grade and have 3rd grade reading level what the fuck? Making graff writers look like a bunch of illiterate degenerates like your selves go fucking learn something!


They should start selling this at the scrapyard for them


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LostMistery--Yeah we see you up there but that doesn't mean it's good. It's quality not quantity. Ovie and Jaes had been writing for years before they rocked that spot. they didn't start writin and put some garbage shit up there like nobster, jono, ba...If you got toy style than practice in your notebook or in back alleys somewhere before hitting a major spot like that with wack throwups...It's not so much that Ovie and Jaes were taken out but the shit that's over it now is disgusting..that's the worst part. Like Break Ribs said you won't be around in a few years anyway and nobody will remember you...Maybe I have a landscaping job for you here on Long Island.....

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LostMistery--Yeah we see you up there but that doesn't mean it's good. It's quality not quantity. Ovie and Jaes had been writing for years before they rocked that spot. they didn't start writin and put some garbage shit up there like nobster, jono, ba...If you got toy style than practice in your notebook or in back alleys somewhere before hitting a major spot like that with wack throwups...It's not so much that Ovie and Jaes were taken out but the shit that's over it now is disgusting..that's the worst part. Like Break Ribs said you won't be around in a few years anyway and nobody will remember you...Maybe I have a landscaping job for you here on Long Island.....


hey hey hey thats the bronx ba not the queens one lets just clarify that

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LostMistery--Yeah we see you up there but that doesn't mean it's good. It's quality not quantity. Ovie and Jaes had been writing for years before they rocked that spot. they didn't start writin and put some garbage shit up there like nobster, jono, ba...If you got toy style than practice in your notebook or in back alleys somewhere before hitting a major spot like that with wack throwups...It's not so much that Ovie and Jaes were taken out but the shit that's over it now is disgusting..that's the worst part. Like Break Ribs said you won't be around in a few years anyway and nobody will remember you...Maybe I have a landscaping job for you here on Long Island.....


YEARS? lets be real my mag fly, these kids wont be around when the snow melts. I dunno bout you but I seen it a million times already.

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yo niggah wuts good nah mean dem bunnz iz haterz beleee dat...up der dats wy scoop scoop dats you! dat throwie def not kno blam blam spotz what! ol niggaz pop talk nah real do de thing thing god pop shit nutz in ya throtie throat grill ballz off...


maybe a snowday was a bad idea bloomberg...



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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yea what's up officers, Metro PCS is paying me to do graffiti on their store


this was meant to be in quotes :lol: so dont send me PMs like this:





alias unknown


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Default yoo - Today, 02:50 PM

if you need an extra artist for characters or burners holla at me.




:lol: :lol: :lol:

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this was meant to be in quotes :lol: so dont send me PMs like this:





alias unknown


alias unknown is about to be banned


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Join Date: Feb 2010

Location: NYC

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Default yoo - Today, 02:50 PM

if you need an extra artist for characters or burners holla at me.




:lol: :lol: :lol:



yea hysterical..

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