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yto jbogard yout entitled to your own thoughts. dont take it as me dissing you we in a form i dont have pics to post so i like to stir things up by posting my 2 sense you know? we arguing our point not our brawn. so take it as a difference in opinion. not me dissing you feel me?


yo P i agree with you 100 % and im not throwing the old timer shit into anything, because u have to understand as young as some of the youngings are in this game now. as we joke on some of these 15- 18 years olds are now trying to do there thing, me, p , dirty do em, billion dolla and others in here arent dinosaurs the thing is we appreciate our time when we started and while we were in the mix. there was a certain level or respect. like niggas would almost have apprenticeship in this graff game now any nigga with a can of montana or ink would a digicam that steals pics off flickr or photobuckets everything are self proclaimed kings. and its wack. because 90% of the dudes coming out now a days arent talented, and they front like they gangsters, and when approached in person they fold up like envelopes. thats why we complain. back then it was aiight bet lil nigga u bombed you have a whole line locked down, down throw your knuckles up lets what you saying. and it wasnt 1 nigga in a crew. it was your entire crew that had to grab a can up and put your man up yah dig. so everyone had to be nice.



i feel u a hundred percent, just didnt want my opinions mistaken. i would never claim that that dude is nice or nothin. lol.


and yo p. u got a point there. but cmon, my short bus. .. . good stuff. and stop talking about dudes chests and stuff gettin rubbed on it.. not a good look.. just sayin. lmao.

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i feel u a hundred percent, just didnt want my opinions mistaken. i would never claim that that dude is nice or nothin. lol.


and yo p. u got a point there. but cmon, my short bus. .. . good stuff. and stop talking about dudes chests and stuff gettin rubbed on it.. not a good look.. just sayin. lmao.

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to dek: never said he was gettin it done in graff. no hes not nice at all. not the point i was making. u brought up gimmicks. that was the subject. stay on it. as far as gimmicks go .. HE GETS THAT DONE.


yto jbogard yout entitled to your own thoughts. dont take it as me dissing you we in a form i dont have pics to post so i like to stir things up by posting my 2 sense you know? we arguing our point not our brawn. so take it as a difference in opinion. not me dissing you feel me?


yo P i agree with you 100 % and im not throwing the old timer shit into anything, because u have to understand as young as some of the youngings are in this game now. as we joke on some of these 15- 18 years olds are now trying to do there thing, me, p , dirty do em, billion dolla and others in here arent dinosaurs the thing is we appreciate our time when we started and while we were in the mix. there was a certain level or respect. like niggas would almost have apprenticeship in this graff game now any nigga with a can of montana or ink would a digicam that steals pics off flickr or photobuckets everything are self proclaimed kings. and its wack. because 90% of the dudes coming out now a days arent talented, and they front like they gangsters, and when approached in person they fold up like envelopes. thats why we complain. back then it was aiight bet lil nigga u bombed you have a whole line locked down, down throw your knuckles up lets what you saying. and it wasnt 1 nigga in a crew. it was your entire crew that had to grab a can up and put your man up yah dig. so everyone had to be nice.


thats what im sayin like u said in ya other post i dont come at this gassed up at my position in the game even if i never picked up a can in my life but was around goin on missions with niggas back when or just wrote in black books and so fourth i would still say the same shit i say it aint about me thinkin IM ILL its about how the mentality of toys are now opose to a kids mentality back in the day when i get on 12 oz and talk my shit im reppin for my time and era more then my self period some one has to say something i aint a old timer and alot of old timers just keep there memorys to them selves and amongst there peoples..but i cant stand here and just read some of the corny false shit these niggas be sayin some of the wild corny pics these niggas be puttin up some one needs to say something once in a while some one who remembers official graff official hip hop and all that good shit

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i feel u a hundred percent, just didnt want my opinions mistaken. i would never claim that that dude is nice or nothin. lol.


and yo p. u got a point there. but cmon, my short bus. .. . good stuff. and stop talking about dudes chests and stuff gettin rubbed on it.. not a good look.. just sayin. lmao.


rub it on ya chest my ddew.. i remember when niggas was sayin that on the island non stop back in the day..no promo

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