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Nesk, you're so fuckin gay. I can't get over it. Next time you think "hey ima go post some silly shit on 12oz yo" Don't.


Gero gets butthurt way to easy, and my 12 year old sister could beat him up, short fat dope head motherfucker.



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I write neskoneisgay, cause im gangster dat way. Funny how you said "i like the way you break it down for the toys" so he broke it down for you too? Remember that one winter when it said "NESK IS A TOY" on tech? or was it "NESK IS A FAG" refresh my memory? Remember all those shitty peices, handstyles and hollows you dropped? I do. I bet I'm not the only one either.



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ya i remember that. funny thing is you wanna drop all this knowledge about tech wall and whats been done on it.... when we all know tech matters less than your mother welly check. my real pieces will run for twwnty years in this city. STATE YOUR NAME. you keep saying your not afraid. "daps" on being a fuckin pussy then. you say you can punk me to my face and i wont do shit...but yet your too fuckin bitch to say what you write. go grab a "5 chip" and suck a glass dick you fuckin pussy. get high enough to go chirp some fuckin 12 year old kids. BITCH.

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You're on his cock eh bud? You are clearly a little stupid if you think I'm a failure at life, I know to you finishing high school is a giant accomplishment and now you think you're headed to the moon, but home depot is only gonna get you so far fuck face.


You really should learn what exaggeration is. I mean nesk is a moron, but at least he knows what it is. You know he even showed he knows with his little 20 year comment, he could teach you a thing or two, so take his dick out your mouth for a minute (even though i know its kinda hard, you being so short and him being so tall, his cock is just all up in your facial region when you two are talkin aint it?) and talk to him, I bet theres a lot more he could teach you too!


Anyway, I have more fun just watching you two be retarded, so please keep it goin


Oh nesk, if you hit you're on the wall really hard and it hurt would you do it again? So this STATE YOUR NAME bullshit, should probably stop that too.... Fag.

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I think you've got it backwards, you're the one asking around and recieving fake information about me. Home depot? Never worked there a day in my life, but like I said before, if it makes you feel better about yourself, great!


Looks like you really need the self-esteem boost, since you never got up or rocked burners, and since you spend your free time attempting to piss off strangers.





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Oh is that why you get up and rock burners? So you feel better about yourself? I don't mean home depot specifically you fuckin dumby, I just mean you have a shitty dead end job. I don't need to ask around about you, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, I SHOOK YOUR HAND FOR FUCK SAKES. I have friends that chill with you sometimes and think you're a fag. Think before you talk, guess you never learned in school eh?


Cut down on the weed consumption, for real. Maybe then you're life would be more meaningful than getting up and rockin burners. Might be kinda hard when you get old, but hey there is always welfare and social security isnt there?

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No, you don't know me, because I don't have a dead end job at all. You know people who chill with me? That's fucking great! Feel special? They think I'm a fag but still continue to chill with me? Must be some pretty big pussies then, or they must have no lives if they chill with people they don't even like.


Wow big surprise, people paint graffiti because it makes them feel good! Jesus, school's obviously paying off for you. Where would the world be without such forward-thinkers.


I don't remember every person who's hand that I've shaken, but I understand it was probably one of the highlights of your dull life.


I'm gonna go smoke a bowl right now, and you're on the wrong forum if you think people are at all anti-weed, and anti-drugs around here.


Keep trying failure, I'm done responding to you.



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I never said anything about anti-weed or anti-drug? There you go again, forgetting to think before you talk. I said YOU need to cut down, CUT DOWN, let me said again cause bitch niggaz is slow. YOU NEED TO CUT DOWN cause you are having trouble thinking before you talk. You talk out the side of your neck to much, you're lucky you do graffiti in ottawa, otherwise you'd have gotten stomped like 400 times by now. I'll run into again one day, then we can see whats up.

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