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Ottawa 613 - Capital City


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INP crew featuring evoke




(with physk)



anode in hali, featuring a retarded sidebuster ;)



anode and evoke



RIP to this mural which ran forever until some fag put rollers through it






can't find much :P






with evoke below


won't post too much since he's got his own thread, and is basically all over the net


apparently I have to split this post up, too many pics in one reply

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Wow, nice posts Gero. Props. That brought back a lot of old memories. As for a better pic of that old Evoke, I don't have one of it that I can remember.


Plenty of gems in there (too many to mention). The good old days.


... I do remember that Evoke (dressed as a city worker)... It was right in my old 'hood. :)

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also, forgot to say props to all the dudes who's work i posted


I guess I'll keep looking for a bigger version of that pic then haha, thanks anyways sneak



ahhhh, the freshness, i just can't stop!





alright, im done, someone else take over.


It'd be sick if someone did a classic dbs post.

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I get that you have an inflated sense of self worth, but I dare you to find anyone in the city (aside from your Magic Card Crew) who would actually hold you in a higher regard than Kyevo. Its widely acknowledged that homie is better than you. And don't try pulling the old "Well, thats just your opinion" toy cop-out card.


You should take your own advice and try doing something that is worth some notoriety, instead of being a pseudo-intellectual fuck on the internet; who posts stolen pictures from old magazines, mouths off to cats with more talent/dedication than him, and has never been out past 6:30pm to paint anything in his life.




No no, homie is not better than me, he's more up than me yes, but side by side, I churn out better quality, hands down. Also, some of my Magic Card Crew has also been crew with you in the past, so I don't see why you'd bring them into it. I still have my whole life ahead of me to get more in, and I certainly plan to when I have more time but as is, I have other, higher priorities at the moment. So we'll see in a bit who's better.


smog you're a groupie bitch who hasn't painted shit in the last year come see me i'll happily crack your skull for you!


ps you're ugly as fuck


kill yourself


You've gone over some of my stuff in the past year so I don't see how you can claim that..


Also.. I'm ugly? ..really? I expected better than that..


Here's contribution to the DBS portion: Eyeso




aaand cens





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God, do you know how to fucking read? Or do you just not retain any of it?


It’s nice to have self-confidence and all, but my comment to you Smog was that I defy you to find anyone in the city of Ottawa, outside of you or your close friends, who would think that you’re better than Kyev. You wouldn’t be able to - guaranteed.


I can’t believe I’m going to ramble on like this, however, I think most people evaluate graffiti on two levels; Credibility and Style.


Style is the super pretty exterior of piecing, and the general quality of work you put out for everyone to see. From a tag, to a throw up to a full color piece – no one likes seeing wack, terrible graffiti (Re: Uneq).

Credibility, or reputation, is something that is built through painting illegally, or “paying dues”. You see this kind mentality lots of places – In the army, you don’t start out as a Colonel / Actors take tones of shit roles before they slowly earn credibility and make it big in Hollywood / etc. I’m of the opinion too that credibility is a prerequisite to style in graffiti, regardless of how nice a piecer/artist someone is (RE: Poser).


SO, while a couple of people might think your goofy lego block style is cool, you get a big fat F in the credibility department, which gives you like, a D+ average. I think that my boy Kyev is a far superior writer compared to you. He’s hands down the most up writer in the city right now, and is still consistently putting in work. He’s probably doing a tag right now somewhere. He’s also got an entire arsenal of styles that he can throw up, where as you only piece… and not very well.



-fucking doubtful.


And, if you decide to respond to this post. Please take a moment and reflect on what I actually have to say. That last two times you just wrote some stupid shit that could be easily answered if you had gone back and re-read the comment I left prior to.


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God, do you know how to fucking read? Or do you just not retain any of it?


It’s nice to have self-confidence and all, but my comment to you Smog was that I defy you to find anyone in the city of Ottawa, outside of you or your close friends, who would think that you’re better than Kyev. You wouldn’t be able to - guaranteed.


I can’t believe I’m going to ramble on like this, however, I think most people evaluate graffiti on two levels; Credibility and Style.


Style is the super pretty exterior of piecing, and the general quality of work you put out for everyone to see. From a tag, to a throw up to a full color piece – no one likes seeing wack, terrible graffiti (Re: Uneq).

Credibility, or reputation, is something that is built through painting illegally, or “paying dues”. You see this kind mentality lots of places – In the army, you don’t start out as a Colonel / Actors take tones of shit roles before they slowly earn credibility and make it big in Hollywood / etc. I’m of the opinion too that credibility is a prerequisite to style in graffiti, regardless of how nice a piecer/artist someone is (RE: Poser).


SO, while a couple of people might think your goofy lego block style is cool, you get a big fat F in the credibility department, which gives you like, a D+ average. I think that my boy Kyev is a far superior writer compared to you. He’s hands down the most up writer in the city right now, and is still consistently putting in work. He’s probably doing a tag right now somewhere. He’s also got an entire arsenal of styles that he can throw up, where as you only piece… and not very well.



-fucking doubtful.


And, if you decide to respond to this post. Please take a moment and reflect on what I actually have to say. That last two times you just wrote some stupid shit that could be easily answered if you had gone back and re-read the comment I left prior to.




HA! PREACH! i love how you break down basic steeet logic into little paragraphs for toys. you were still more up than "your boy" summer 07/08

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