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i dont really get it... you know peoples work doesnt really have todo with where they live or how expensive their car is. Yes, I among others may come from a wealthy family, and sorry if i'm wrong but dont you as well?

youve talked shit about certain peoples style for quite some time now, but they continue todo what they do. So those comments arent affecting them at all, i suppose the only reason behind them is to make you look cool or something, i dont know. but anyways, not trying to start shit with you personally, but i guess i felt compelled by what you speak of enough to say all that.




being rich doesnt make you any less real if you put in work.

using everything factor you can to your advantage, thats what this game is all about.

if you buy montana with your rich parents money, or if you rack all your paint, its how you use it that counts.


and for the record, i buy a lot of my paint, but i use the money from my JOB to buy it.

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i'm gonna go ahead out on a limb and say it's obvious alot of people talking have never been poor....if you had been, you would know it's twice as hard to come up when you're broke...it's ignorant to think otherwise,. everything is harder when you start at the bottom. i never had my mommy or daddy buy me any paint...what's it gonna be? spray paint? or eating for the day?

i didn't mean to start super important internet beef....just giving my two cents about the task...

aside from all that bullshit, there's some radical radsters in here who always want to show everyone how rad they are...this goes out to you, brother....


skiddddddly waaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! skiddly skidddly waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhouu!!!!

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people dont commend Bush because he was rich, and took advantage of his parents money and positions to get where he got

people clown him


people commend a cat like nelson mandela who went from nothing to first president of South Africa after being a political prison for a long ass time


no matter what you do, if your poor, it means more,


if your a writer from some rich family, and go to a nice ass school with a great arts program and have your parents to buy you all kinds of supplies to develop your art with..... great, you become a good artist, good for you


but if your from a broken home, go to a shitty school, have nothing growing up, and still find a way to become a talented artist without all that other shit, then its more impressive. you put in more work then the rich kid


just look JA. cats act like he's a god cause he's got crazy ups.

well, that shit dont impress me none. if my pops bought me endless cans of MTN, plane tickets, hotels, food, and lawyers when I got caught, and I didnt have to work, I'd have crazy ups too



^not meant for beef, just my .02

all yall down south are killin it keep it up

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i'm gonna go ahead out on a limb and say it's obvious alot of people talking have never been poor....if you had been, you would know it's twice as hard to come up when you're broke...it's ignorant to think otherwise,. everything is harder when you start at the bottom. i never had my mommy or daddy buy me any paint...what's it gonna be? spray paint? or eating for the day?

i didn't mean to start super important internet beef....just giving my two cents about the task...

aside from all that bullshit, there's some radical radsters in here who always want to show everyone how rad they are...this goes out to you, brother....


skiddddddly waaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! skiddly skidddly waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhouu!!!!




what the fuck do you even write?



and ps. what is all this talk about artistic talent? yall niggas is gay.


and pps. im not bragging, or condoning, but racking is FUCKING EASY. everywhere ive been has had a free paint spot within 7 miles or so, im sure.

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