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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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and idc wa ne one says that rave is a complete bite off nace


who cares thats a blackbook sketch from around 2001, get over it. it is 9 years old.


remember back when graff was real fun and the internet didnt play a role like it does today.ya know when you actually had to put work in to meet up with fello writers. an i doubt rave even still writes.

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"Under New Jersey Criminal Statute 2C:17-3. Criminal Mischief and 2A:153-4.1; Acts of Graffiti, New Jersey law enforcement possess the tools to assist communities that are plagued by unwanted graffiti. Internet sites and forums that feature blogs from many of the Garden States notorious vandals can be found in jerseygraff.com and 12oz prophet. com. In addition, personally designed web pages depicting their past and present paint undertakings on MySpace, Facebook and YouTube all provide great investigative resources."


the cops are watchin and know this website.



on a more random note, yo sape i found some of your stickers on the sidewalk the other day


where did you find this? i looked at a number of resources on 2C:17-3, and found nothing about websites

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up people..just a reminder..toDAY september 10,2010 @ 3pm demerock and

snow of the VICIOUS STYLES crew& gentrifried..the nj graff

chronicler in cheif will be on the billy jam show"put the needle on the

record" on wfmu ..91.1 on yur fm dial!talkin graff and life in general in nj! be sure to check it out

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F*ck the law & statutes..No one follows them & no one takes them seriously. It;s interesting that you found where it stated websites tho, couldnt find that when I searched it..But these losers get paid to research graffiti & the artist's work & u think capturing them is gonna solve anything..What they should be doing is stop the bullsh*t about how crime is decreasing because the pigs are too scared to be on the street.


>>Just 'cuz u have a badge and gun don't make you any more powerful then a regular civilian. Fight crime, not graffiti 'cuz writers are doing nothing wrong by using the amendment "freedom of speech"..it didn't specify how to use it, but it's still a right to us..


half of these corrupt pigs should be in jail anyways, but in jersey you get with anything except for graffiti..Harsher punishment for a graffiti writer than a murder...SHAMEFUL!

(hope u pigs read this b*tch!)

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F*ck the law & statutes..No one follows them & no one takes them seriously. It;s interesting that you found where it stated websites tho, couldnt find that when I searched it..But these losers get paid to research graffiti & the artist's work & u think capturing them is gonna solve anything..What they should be doing is stop the bullsh*t about how crime is decreasing because the pigs are too scared to be on the street.


>>Just 'cuz u have a badge and gun don't make you any more powerful then a regular civilian. Fight crime, not graffiti 'cuz writers are doing nothing wrong by using the amendment "freedom of speech"..it didn't specify how to use it, but it's still a right to us..


half of these corrupt pigs should be in jail anyways, but in jersey you get with anything except for graffiti..Harsher punishment for a graffiti writer than a murder...SHAMEFUL!

(hope u pigs read this b*tch!)


you sound mad dumb, graff isnt freedom of speech its painting on some elses shit and not giving a shit how they feel... which is why its illegal

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thats ok, cuz i didnt know the four of you made the definition of what graffiti is and what makes it illegal..I could say what I feel like sayin' it's my right, if u dont like it, i still dont care..second, thats what graff is to me, maybe u just do it cuz it makes u cool or u have nothing better to do with ur life and just hide...but to some it's an art-form, to some thats how they express themselves, and to some, they like legal shit...but regardless, not all graff is illegal..and as stated on here numerous times certain ppl like illegal & that's the only way to do it; yet what you may like doesn;t mean everyone else does..so respect graff as a whole and what it stands for


Like I said, you can choose to like it or think it sounds dumb, but that's ur opinion kidd.

God bless!

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