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-Harrisburg PA-

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everyone (that matters) in this city should already know who can piece and who got hands, keep it movin- no need for beef.


You started this shit homie. And you know I'm right. Why else would you be coppin pleas now? And as far as the permission wall, I simply brought it to the atention of the good writers that some not so good ones were going over their pieces. I didn't realize it was a practice wall and he had permission. Judging by the comments (or "beef" as you like to phrase it) of mine you've brought I've narrowed you down to two writers that you could possibly be. And good for you for doing what you love and practicing, but practice you definitely need more of.


On a side note (sort of), if I were to go out and start writing, no matter how bad it was, then I could have an opinion and comment on graffiti? That's like saying Ja Rule's opinion on good hip hop is better than mine just cause he so happens to rap. Again, your thought process and rationale (if you can even call it that) are completely ridiculous. I honestly feel sorry for narrow minded people such as yourself.

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You started this shit homie.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Wallberg's saying to Pres that for not being a writer, he sure caught feelings enough from the "beef" to thoroughly fantasize about fept's past:


...Perhaps he's searching for the affection his mother never gave him. Maybe he spent many a lonely nights eating cold beefaroni while his moms got teamed in the other room for crack. And maybe the other room didn't have a door, just a torn, stained sheet that wasn't big enough to cover the entrance so every now and then he caught a glimpse of mommy dearest with a cock in every one of her holes, cum matted in her hair, lips burnt and chapped from the crack pipe and now he's vying for our attention, whether that attention is good or bad, because it can't be worse than the mental images burnt in his head of his mothers ass hole bleeding as she carpet surfs, smoking whatever she can find in the hopes that it's crack. Us calling him a douchebag tool for going at NEOS actually sounds good compared to the things that were said to him by whatever crack dealer/pimp was his stepdad that particular evening.
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Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Wallberg's saying to Pres that for not being a writer, he sure caught feelings enough from the "beef" to thoroughly fantasize about fept's past:


dude, it was in jest. If anyone actually took that seriously, wow. I thought it was pretty clear that I was joking around. I mean seriously, read that shit again, you have to see the humor in it. You can replace fepts name with whomevers. I was high and fucking around. Sorry for trying to inject some humor.


But again, as a fan, I'm entitled to an opinion, I don't care what anyone says. I'll go back to the music anaalogy. If Nickleback were to call out Nirvana, I wouldn't be allowed to think that was completely ridiculous? Of course I would. So again, as a fan, when fept called out Neos as being a toy, I found it to be quite ridiculous. I'm done explaining this. If you don't get it, god help you.

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dude, it was in jest. If anyone actually took that seriously, wow. I thought it was pretty clear that I was joking around. I mean seriously, read that shit again, you have to see the humor in it. You can replace fepts name with whomevers. I was high and fucking around. Sorry for trying to inject some humor.


But again, as a fan, I'm entitled to an opinion, I don't care what anyone says. I'll go back to the music anaalogy. If Nickleback were to call out Nirvana, I wouldn't be allowed to think that was completely ridiculous? Of course I would. So again, as a fan, when fept called out Neos as being a toy, I found it to be quite ridiculous. I'm done explaining this. If you don't get it, god help you.


lol give it up! nobody cares. but think of this, if you actually put in work, believed in yourself and your work and someone said those things about you, how funny would it be to you? you wouldnt see iti n jest. if you laughed it off it would be because of the type of passive person you are, not because you werent offended or didnt look at the other person as a knucklehead. but to be clear its not important. just pointing this out.


The "keeping it real" mentality is an ignorant one, it's a form of machismo, the last bastion of someone who's afraid to grow mentally.

It's the same as religion, the last bastion of a coward.

When someone has something that is all they have, they try to keep it as it is instead of expanding upon it to make the most of it. They'll only surround themselves with like-minded people so they can all have their affirmation that what they think is the only right way to think. They'll lash out at any attempt to dissent and they'd eat their own if they believed it just.

These are people whom rational people avoid, not out of fear, but out of empathy.

If you come across a blind man, there's no need to steal his cane.


rolleyes: :D :lol: this is funny what haeppened your not talking about graffiti anymore. just some sideways jibber jabber. not to start shit, i said what i felt needed to be said. i just think its a great laugh.


but as whatchamicallit said, "cant we all just get along."

you guys are so funny. it is what it is. graffiti is graffiti, and like many self serving things, in the end none of it matters.

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RELAX! You're on third street buddy. @It Dont Matter-Listen, when graffiti is someone's life, they relate it to life philosophies, which is what my man Scrib was talking about. It's about progression, pushing the boundaries of your craft, always putting your mind and heart to it and not feeding into bullshit naysayers who use ignorance to hinder growth around them. Don't get mad that he's an eloquent motherfucker. I am not. ALSO FEPT, i had to laugh at the Bushwick reference. I dont know if youre down with any cats up there (doubt it), but if the crews that run the spot caught you with a can putting THAT SHIT on a wall, you'd have some serious explaining to do. Nihilism=It Dont Matter= IGNORANCE=FEPT. Im pretty sure I'm a genius.

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theres more beef here than them new black tacos at the bell. i gotta agree with aumstar, more painting will weed out the good from the bad. And the whole thing with preston should just be forgotten about, dude has a passion for photography and thats alot more than most people have. so what if he doesnt paint, anybody can tell shit graff from good graff. lets put all this shit on hold and have a good laugh at CAKEFARTS.COM.

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lol give it up! nobody cares. but think of this, if you actually put in work, believed in yourself and your work and someone said those things about you, how funny would it be to you? you wouldnt see iti n jest. if you laughed it off it would be because of the type of passive person you are, not because you werent offended or didnt look at the other person as a knucklehead. but to be clear its not important. just pointing this out.




I suppose you have a point. I personally would laugh it off, not 'cause I'm a pussy either, but because I'm secure enough with myself that I can laugh at myself. Personally, I think anyone who can't is the passive one. Internally anyways. But as far as the whole crack whore mother with a bleeding asshole thing, I just have a really sick sense of humor and I forget that not everyone does, so if anyone was offended, sorry. I thought it was hilarious. Not because of FEPT though. I just had a vision of it in my head that was like a really twisted episode of The Family Guy or a Greg The Bunny skit.

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theres more beef here than them new black tacos at the bell. i gotta agree with aumstar, more painting will weed out the good from the bad. And the whole thing with preston should just be forgotten about, dude has a passion for photography and thats alot more than most people have. so what if he doesnt paint, anybody can tell shit graff from good graff. lets put all this shit on hold and have a good laugh at CAKEFARTS.COM.


Thanks homie. Much obliged

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RELAX! You're on third street buddy. @It Dont Matter-Listen, when graffiti is someone's life, they relate it to life philosophies, which is what my man Scrib was talking about. It's about progression, pushing the boundaries of your craft, always putting your mind and heart to it and not feeding into bullshit naysayers who use ignorance to hinder growth around them. Don't get mad that he's an eloquent motherfucker. I am not. ALSO FEPT, i had to laugh at the Bushwick reference. I dont know if youre down with any cats up there (doubt it), but if the crews that run the spot caught you with a can putting THAT SHIT on a wall, you'd have some serious explaining to do. Nihilism=It Dont Matter= IGNORANCE=FEPT. Im pretty sure I'm a genius.


youre a nobody. chill. lol

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And just to show that I'm not a dickriding douchebag and that I reckognize good graffiti when I see it, here ya go. Found this walking around the other day.




then you should recognize that fepts got a hand. i can understand if you think he doesnt, cuz you dont write.


enough of the chit chat- get up or get out!

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then you should recognize that fepts got a hand. i can understand if you think he doesnt, cuz you dont write.


enough of the chit chat- get up or get out!


Wow really? You're still on that "you gotta write to be on this site" bullshit? I never said fept couldn't write. I just said it was ridiculous of him to call neos a toy. Whatever son. Do you, I'll do me and we can leave each other the fuck alone. All we're doin is wasting bandwidth and each others time. And this ain't "beef" as much as you'd like it to be with all the times you've labeled it as such. But it's whatever I suppose. I wish you the best in your writing endeavors. I love seein dope pieces, regardless who does them.

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Wow really? You're still on that "you gotta write to be on this site" bullshit? I never said fept couldn't write. I just said it was ridiculous of him to call neos a toy. Whatever son. Do you, I'll do me and we can leave each other the fuck alone. All we're doin is wasting bandwidth and each others time. And this ain't "beef" as much as you'd like it to be with all the times you've labeled it as such. But it's whatever I suppose. I wish you the best in your writing endeavors. I love seein dope pieces, regardless who does them.


This is Preston Maddox on my boys account again. My bad.

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