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4243434235_687de48bdc_b.jpg stolded.

If you've ever done any gang related graff you're a toy. no way around it. Doesnt make you hard or cool, when you pee in any bathroom any you see a retarded ass X4 scribe, you don't think 'dope' you think 'retard.' If you bring gangster shit into graff, you're a complete faggot and wont be someone worth remembering. Plus gangsters are weak ass. they have no honor, only 'our big ass group can jump you solo' If your actually in a gang your a complete weiner. And surenos are starting to take over sj. thats hurt for one, but the fact that every other fool in sj is a norteno and letting this happen make fools look weeeeeeeeeeak. stop dragging graffiti writers names thru the mud by making the public think most writers are gang bangers, and focus on taking back your city like men. What big time writer was (openly) about a gang? none. and none ever will. grow a fucking pair and choose if writing is your main deal, or if trying to keep your gangster family on top is. 99.9% of you will choose niether. san jose you suck balls drunk ass 21st birthday 1
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