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Loving Salinas

Trashy looking, but it's home


By Miguel Zavala


Salinas used to be awesome when I was a kid but I guess because back then I didn’t notice how awful it was. Although Salinas is pretty ugly looking I live here and when it comes down to it, I am not ashamed of this city. There are a lot of things that are not that great in Salinas whether it’s all the graffiti everywhere or random things tossed in the streets like shopping carts.


You can’t go anywhere without seeing tagging somewhere, wherever you go there is a big tagging up in your face; at school, in the streets, or at a playground. I remember looking at graffiti that other people did in other cities and it was considered art but the graffiti done in Salinas is definitely not art, more like a big pile of poop. Its not only gangs anymore doing all the tagging in the streets now it’s a bunch of other people too. What is with people needing to write their stupid name on a wall?



I hate all those stupid names people use like hint, hulk, gore, etc, man they annoy the hell out of me. What sucks even more is that everyday I have to go to school and walk on a sidewalk were some retard wrote a so called tagging name. What’s even worse is that those tags people do will remain in the sidewalk for a long time unless they get painted over, but then it will make the sidewalk look terrible. The Tags that people leave not only have bad names but they are poorly done, you would expect them to be fancy and all but they look trashy. What’s the point to put your “tag name” if it looks horrible is it just the fact that people will see it later, but although people will see it they won’t like it because it looks like someone just vomited on the floor. We shouldn’t walk around ignoring all the tags left everywhere we need to think of a solution.



Well there really inst a solution that will immediately stop all the tags but we can all help. Something that we can do is to tell students that we want to preserve our city this would at least get people thinking that the tagging has to stop. If anyone is to notice someone doing a tagging they should come inform the police, or someone in school depending where the tagging occurred. Don’t think of it as being a snitch but helping our city be a better place. Another solution to all the tagging being done in Salinas is to offer students community service to help clean up and help out those men and women that have to go around town cleaning up some jerks so called art. Any type of help would be useful for our city and only we the residents of Salinas can make change happen.



One other thing that bothers me about Salinas is seeing all those shopping carts left on the street. As random as it is to complain about shopping carts when it comes down to it, they are a real problem. Everyday I go to school I see more than six just thrown in the sidewalk blocking my way. Its always annoying seeing them and I understand that people don’t have cars and have to take the shopping cart to there home but c’mon the workers have to go pick them up. I just can’t help but feel bad for those workers that have to spend their valuable time to go fetch the cars and that shouldn’t be part of their job. It also bothers me even more when teenagers purposely get the cars and put them in certain areas to annoy others. I know it might not be a big deal that shopping carts are left on the street but if they weren’t there the streets would look better.



Well when it comes down to it, there is only so much that you can complain without proposing a solution. I don’t know if many of you guys have heard, but you get fined if you take a shopping cart with you and also the stores if they fail to pick up the shopping carts. This fine might scare people, but it not being in forced like it should. The only way for this to be enforced is if there is a security guard monitoring to check if anyone takes the shopping car. With a security guard looking at people this would ultimately stop shopping carts from being left in the street. If a security guard doesn’t stop the carts from leaving right away then at least with the use of a security guard it will help reduce all the shopping cars left in the street. One last thing, Teenagers, please don’t be rude and toss them in places to annoy others, be respectful and help out by at least moving it out of the way or if its not to much of a hassle call the store and tell them that there is a shopping cart in the street.




When it comes down to it, we should all be proud of our city, no matter the reputation it has, but the way it looks makes it look ugly. Who knows that one day Salinas will be a better looking city with less things on the street or ugly graffiti. Sure we can all complain even I am guilty of complaining and not really doing anything, but we can all be the solution

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Loving Salinas

Trashy looking, but it's home


By Miguel Zavala


Salinas used to be awesome when I was a kid but I guess because back then I didn’t notice how awful it was. Although Salinas is pretty ugly looking I live here and when it comes down to it, I am not ashamed of this city. There are a lot of things that are not that great in Salinas whether it’s all the graffiti everywhere or random things tossed in the streets like shopping carts.


You can’t go anywhere without seeing tagging somewhere, wherever you go there is a big tagging up in your face; at school, in the streets, or at a playground. I remember looking at graffiti that other people did in other cities and it was considered art but the graffiti done in Salinas is definitely not art, more like a big pile of poop. Its not only gangs anymore doing all the tagging in the streets now it’s a bunch of other people too. What is with people needing to write their stupid name on a wall?



I hate all those stupid names people use like hint, hulk, gore, etc, man they annoy the hell out of me. What sucks even more is that everyday I have to go to school and walk on a sidewalk were some retard wrote a so called tagging name. What’s even worse is that those tags people do will remain in the sidewalk for a long time unless they get painted over, but then it will make the sidewalk look terrible. The Tags that people leave not only have bad names but they are poorly done, you would expect them to be fancy and all but they look trashy. What’s the point to put your “tag name” if it looks horrible is it just the fact that people will see it later, but although people will see it they won’t like it because it looks like someone just vomited on the floor. We shouldn’t walk around ignoring all the tags left everywhere we need to think of a solution.



Well there really inst a solution that will immediately stop all the tags but we can all help. Something that we can do is to tell students that we want to preserve our city this would at least get people thinking that the tagging has to stop. If anyone is to notice someone doing a tagging they should come inform the police, or someone in school depending where the tagging occurred. Don’t think of it as being a snitch but helping our city be a better place. Another solution to all the tagging being done in Salinas is to offer students community service to help clean up and help out those men and women that have to go around town cleaning up some jerks so called art. Any type of help would be useful for our city and only we the residents of Salinas can make change happen.



One other thing that bothers me about Salinas is seeing all those shopping carts left on the street. As random as it is to complain about shopping carts when it comes down to it, they are a real problem. Everyday I go to school I see more than six just thrown in the sidewalk blocking my way. Its always annoying seeing them and I understand that people don’t have cars and have to take the shopping cart to there home but c’mon the workers have to go pick them up. I just can’t help but feel bad for those workers that have to spend their valuable time to go fetch the cars and that shouldn’t be part of their job. It also bothers me even more when teenagers purposely get the cars and put them in certain areas to annoy others. I know it might not be a big deal that shopping carts are left on the street but if they weren’t there the streets would look better.



Well when it comes down to it, there is only so much that you can complain without proposing a solution. I don’t know if many of you guys have heard, but you get fined if you take a shopping cart with you and also the stores if they fail to pick up the shopping carts. This fine might scare people, but it not being in forced like it should. The only way for this to be enforced is if there is a security guard monitoring to check if anyone takes the shopping car. With a security guard looking at people this would ultimately stop shopping carts from being left in the street. If a security guard doesn’t stop the carts from leaving right away then at least with the use of a security guard it will help reduce all the shopping cars left in the street. One last thing, Teenagers, please don’t be rude and toss them in places to annoy others, be respectful and help out by at least moving it out of the way or if its not to much of a hassle call the store and tell them that there is a shopping cart in the street.




When it comes down to it, we should all be proud of our city, no matter the reputation it has, but the way it looks makes it look ugly. Who knows that one day Salinas will be a better looking city with less things on the street or ugly graffiti. Sure we can all complain even I am guilty of complaining and not really doing anything, but we can all be the solution





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