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what i say that noem was gay i tell him to his face.

bear is a softy he knows it.

prize is a emo fag i tell him to his face.


answer my calls???? come on dog who is the one calling me to record casuse you cant afford equip, wait your probably gonna say you are better than me at flowing now to huh? please you overgrown ape who is to stupid to understand that stating the truth is not talking shit.


has been 28 year old huh? well your still poor,ugly and ignorant and no amount of shitty burners is gonna change that..


honestly use big use stupid use what ever you wanna be called, you aint shit dog not now not ever.


and not only do you call to record but you call for store credit cards cause your brokes asses cant afford anything else but walmart paint.....be real user aint no one over here scared of you dog


i aint noem i aint prize and i aint baer homie.




you know what im not gonna get into a pissing contest with you online.


flat black all day...[/quote first of all whos the one racking shit so i think you need to check your self big euro if you wanna handle some shit lets handle it you have a big mouth ...... who in the fuck are you to put my personal shit in your mouth yea im a broke dood .......and i wish i could live in your mansion ..... yea i hit you up because you were jocking my flow true or not but go a head and say something diffirent.....and as for you rapping hahahaha everyone tells me your wack.....and as for being an ape.... what the fuck are you a pink cheek bald leprecaun thats over weight......get a grip your nothing just like everyone else says......

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omg all you people are funny:lol:

get a fucken clue

none of you guys are shit. this thread seems to be nothing but hate, the only people that i could give props to is noem, use, mean, and eary

alot of you hate on mean but that dude has skill wether you like it or not

everyone should quit hating and get along:D


yea i feel you on that but some cats love to talk shit because most of them are toy ass doods with no skill......big use.....

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omg all you people are funny:lol:

get a fucken clue

none of you guys are shit. this thread seems to be nothing but hate, the only people that i could give props to is noem, use, mean, and eary

alot of you hate on mean but that dude has skill wether you like it or not

everyone should quit hating and get along:D


yeah i agree with you

to many fucken haters out there

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MEAN does have alot of skill.....Most of all the beef is a dispute of style wich their shouldnt be beef over.. If somebody doesnt like your shit and you hear they dont like your shit big fucking deal......everybody thinks i suck and i dont care....I do suck

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