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Israel thread


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how the FUCK do you manage to set up a bombing mission in a warzone?!?


its not as bad as your gov. wants you to think it is. really its alot like the situation in belfast except its alot more onesided because the us arms the the socalled good guys....:shakehead:

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heres some stuff ive done (in hebrew) not on the streets. When I return I will do a bit of bombing.


no offence but your letters need some work.




how u gonna tell this dude his letters need work.. then post some garbage like that...what are those supposed to be good? ahhhlol

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U should be working on bombing that wall down! And stopping your government commiting genocide on the Palestinian people! Your the youth who are willing to have a go, have a go at that, stand up and stop the sensless killing and greed that oozes from every orafus of Israel! Then maybe ill respect your graff

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oh man i hate it when it comes to this so ill say it once and for all...


FUCK ISRAEL AND PALESTINE, as long as these too states will be on the face of the earth shit will be fucked.


the people who send KIDS TO DIE are the same on both sides. the israeli and palestinian generals, politicians, terrorist leaders, religius leaders and ALL FORMS OF CAPITALISTS are to blame, not the civilians on any side.


israelies arnt fascist killers, they are just to instatutionalized and oppressed to fight the right now while propaganda tells them everyone wants to kill them and if they wont obey the army code they will get fucked...

palestinians arnt terrorists, they cant see a better way to fight the occupation right now, while the hammas the fattach and every known part of the palestinian politics are fighting anything close to a democratic way of self defence...


stop beeing so fucking superficial about this, and take a deeper look at whats happening...



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Why do I have no clue what im talking about? I definetly dont get that opinion from my news service here in Australia.

U dont stand up for yourselves to your government because your brainwashed into thinking there way. You allow yourselves to be brainwashed for 2 years during your army service, and when you come out most of you think Palestineans are the spawn of the devil and have no problem keeping them in the worlds biggest open air prison.

Why dont I have a clue? R u hiding something?

I stand up to all israeli youth because the future is in your hands, you have to stop the shit thats going on there, especially you who are already willing (eg. graffers) to go against the social norm, stand up u scared fuks.

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you forget one big big big factor...


you have no idea what it is like to fear for your life every other bus ride, or looking down the barrle of a m16 while having a non-violent protest, or watching people getting thrown into prison without a trial just for rising there heads...

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