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story 2 well the next time we did the best production in tuctown and the worst time that i had to go to jail cuz i missed the second day but me and token had video of both days and me and the homies watch it when we kick back and the filling that i get is one of the best cuz i miss those days in general. anyway ekose, soke, sinek, guilt, strike,token, iner or ener, amuse, saed, and the best 4 the mural PHRITE ONE WA FACT.... man the that dude took the cake and ice cream on that one. u can say every one had a good party, like guilt's glider or token's t or ekose piece or sinek letters or saed's dna style, sokes monsoons piece and the rest but nothing can stop the color's design technical advancements......... get loose and he did it all man i miss that dude and i love him for all the friendship he gave so cool man. 2 all he really knew you were bless like me and you know were i come from sinek and guilt miss u dudes 2 hope 2 see you guys in the future. love u duders ener one ypn ga stm uk ...phrite 4 life...................................................

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rip homie, i just started getting serious in graffiti this year and this post made my eyes almost tear up, i saw the dedication sym did on the bridge and i just happened to run across this thread and even though i never met the dude it still makes me sad. ive seen the penguins before, i always loved that. sorry for your guys loss, - con/confuzion

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i miss you roy. alot. so much has happened since you've been gone. i feel you looking down and letting me know its not as bad as it seems homie. you keep me truckin brother. rest easy... you're in the highest of places. is it selfish to wish you were still here? man, i miss you.


sinek get at that young b-word. holler.

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I miss the WISE CRACKS DOGG... I can still remeber when you would jump out of no were and start dancing somthing crazzy...LOL..Thoes are the good times BRO... Still dont understand why you....Anyhow, I have a homie who broke it down like this..."GOD saw a ROSE and could not resist picking that ROSE that grew for the side walk and giving it a new foud glory.....Heres looking at Brother from another mother.....ONELOVE FOR LIFE!!!

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i think bout you daily. i miss your smile...i miss your laugh...most of all, i miss you. your persona was one of friendship, a kind and big heart, a loving hug, a true friend, a devoted son and most importantly a beautiful person. damn roy, i still cant believe your gone. even after three months of not having you here, it still feels so fucken fake. but like everyone has said, your in a better place. please watch over your family, sinek and the rest of us here at home...life just isnt the same without you. i love you tons and i miss you. promise me you'll keep smiling your beautiful smile of yours. i'll catch your ass on the flip side...and dont worry...i'll take a drink, or shot, for you!

<3 Cris

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well my brother.......i'm comin home dog....tha crew will b 2gether again guilt,phrite,an sinek wa-fact always...man i think about u always.....it been almost 4 weeks now man i still cant belive it. it's never goin 2 b tha same with out u at home...i'm going 2 party like we used 2 and wait 4 u 2 pop around tha corner with 2 duce duce's of coron 1 4 me an u, 2 start things off right...when i paint i'm not goin 2 have u by my side rawkin away with us... but as long as i live u live ...every time theres a wa train or sinek train there will always b a phrite rollin as well.I will always keep ur name fresh man... i miss u an love u more then alot of things in this fuked up world an stupid graff game.... WA-fact brother u know who this is Roy.... miss u like crazy!!!

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