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why was everyone talking about how RLAX gets up in Hartford, me being a resident of the city i can say that hes just hitting up the spots were most poeple see it like high way spots and shit but as being "up" thats not the case if you really wan to see whos up just drive around the city and you'll see dat all the bombing is being done by CRIME 2 and MENIS from LSZ and dont down grade them just because they have the letters LSZ after thier tag b/c the truth of the matter is that they bomb with quantity AND quality were RLAX only specifies in quantity and fucking up quality pieces like the previous posts.

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why was everyone talking about how RLAX gets up in Hartford, me being a resident of the city i can say that hes just hitting up the spots were most poeple see it like high way spots and shit but as being "up" thats not the case if you really wan to see whos up just drive around the city and you'll see dat all the bombing is being done by CRIME 2 and MENIS from LSZ and dont down grade them just because they have the letters LSZ after thier tag b/c the truth of the matter is that they bomb with quantity AND quality were RLAX only specifies in quantity and fucking up quality pieces like the previous posts.

ya dudes yaint quality.

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why was everyone talking about how RLAX gets up in Hartford, me being a resident of the city i can say that hes just hitting up the spots were most poeple see it like high way spots and shit but as being "up" thats not the case if you really wan to see whos up just drive around the city and you'll see dat all the bombing is being done by CRIME 2 and MENIS from LSZ and dont down grade them just because they have the letters LSZ after thier tag b/c the truth of the matter is that they bomb with quantity AND quality were RLAX only specifies in quantity and fucking up quality pieces like the previous posts.


^^^Not sayin dude has the dopest pieces throws ect.. but rlax's work is def more quality than menis and crime.. Them dudes are improvin but still gotta ways to go...

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i cant stand scrappy fills..it just looks half assed..not trying to discredit anyone but the kid art's work would be better if he tried a lil harder..seems like he repeats previous pieces.over all though the kids already good at that style,,now move forward with that and build..hopefully im not looked at as a dick,my intentions are good.keep rocking,just rock a bit harder


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