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how do you make a stencil


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How about this... LOOK AROUND. most heads just learn through experimenting, be thankful you have a website with a forum to browse around in. We didnt have these things when I started, which wasn't all that long ago.

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omfg please....


why don't you go through TRIAL and error. Go get some bristol or some shit... try shit out.


if you're lazy, you'll figure it out in pshop


if you're dumb, you'll keep askin on 12oz for answers. google oner could help you out, though...


i wish i could be nicer, but being drunk hinders that... SORRY

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  • 2 months later...

i got an ideal, ideally you give up, oh yer, if you wanna do backjump stencils, stand on the rails, and a train will come, if it looks fast, dont worry, it will stop right next to you and you can stencil it, go on, try it.


and make sure you post pics

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