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partying in portland...


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not jealous just telling the truth.hes up in one area and its a illusion that hes up in the hole city..i walk around and see regal bonus and other people way more than him.just dont like his stuff and i think his fillins arnt good.that is what this thread is for to post photos and comment???who said i have to like adek..


doesnt matter if he did 5 tags in portland or 5 million dudes a beast he lives graffiti while you my friend type about it.

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So just becuase i post flicks of PBSK doesnt mean shit. I post flicks about alot of other krews as well does that mean i reppresent them? I see you posted lots of flicks of adek, are you with TKO? Also how to kill yourself in my recommendation would be to climb something high, very high! and jump off landing on your neck? Stop trying to make yourself look hard too by saying shit like " stop being gay and saying shit like STFU. " Your fucking Dumb so Shut The Fuck Up? I dont give a fuck if you are in TMR either why does what i have to say about TMR anger you so much? becuase you are a TMRetard? Fuck my opinion its my opinion. Say what you want about PBSK I don't care its your opion and i can't change that unless i knew you i would just kick your ass until you changed your mind, but i cant so i dont give a fuck! they are by far better than TMR and have way better style. So i'll Shut up if you do as well.


better style.............phat

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bump for this guy, maybe im wrong, but as far as im concerned, wars, sick skater, and got ups that have been runnin for deeeep.




good spot but im not feelin it. BSERK owned it but whoever is on the right needs to step off, but im sure bserk and whoever already got pissed at each other about it. good spot, bad graff. i cant talk whatever.

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bump for this guy, maybe im wrong, but as far as im concerned, wars, sick skater, and got ups that have been runnin for deeeep.




good spot but im not feelin it. BSERK owned it but whoever is on the right needs to step off, but im sure bserk and whoever already got pissed at each other about it. good spot, bad graff. i cant talk whatever.



Jeab Your Such A Little Fag.:shakehead:

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