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how about rcktwn sat. bitch. we can make a separate event of it. I've been waiting for this every since i met your Lil punk ass. or you can get your mom to bring you to Inglewood and we can do this now. i mean she should bring you.

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oh yeah im definitely not fucking with skave.

i heard that niggas got like super swoll in prison.

so stop fucking with me man or ill start crossing out your shit.

then shit will be lonely around the wood.

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....im not fighting you at the jam. but when i see you elsewhere your done.

i wish all of this couldve been in a privite message..but some people dont realize things or their actions or wats going to happen to them...walker say wat you want...im sure alot of people would appricate you not talking though. dumb kids like you make graffiti retarded...and there seem to be alot now..so this is where it ends.

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