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imageshack is slow as fuck.



and to all you stupid kids, stop talking shit on here and go paint.

you talk all big but in the mean time dudes are getting real and painting while you sit at home trying to decide which letters to capitalize to make your post look cool and how to spell nigga in the newest, most cutting edge way.





actually, dont go paint, just stop posting here and doing graffiti altogether, cause i dont want to see that shit on here or in the streets.

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Hey I'm thinking of starting a blackbook thread for Nashville but I don't want to start it and be the only one postin in it. So I was wondering if anyone else would be willing to put up some shit? thanks. peace.

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why would we need a separate thread for drawings when theres so much shit talk and barely any flicks? it would be worthless and i doubt anyone would care about it. :(


True but just because a few ppl talk shit doesn't mean other ppl shouldn't keep the flicks/sketches flowing. Hell maybe another thread is what we need. Plus everyone here has got plenty of sketches and the shit talking is kinda dieing down, so i dont see why not. :D

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and you keep makin pointless comments like the one above tryin to agonize it so unless you decide to be a man and bacc up your shit then keep my name out of your teeth.


Actually, You mean "antagonize".


And you, as a word of advice, should cease all the shit talk yourself. Even if someone says something, don't mind that shit, because 1) it's the fucking internet, and 2) no one will ever respond to your "back it up" threats. Not even you.


Real mens mind their own business.


P.S- If you write at all, you should post up something.

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