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Democracy in the Middle East?


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Dost my eyes decieve me? Could the vote in Iraq be a catalyst for democracy wider democracy in the middle east? Democratic elections among Palestinians have led to renewed peace talks with Isrealis. Sharon even commissioned an investigation of illegal settlements or "outposts". 100 or so illegal by Isreali law, not just international law. Settlements Sharon himself had a hand in. And he commissioned this investigation. I must say I am impressed.

Lebanon? Of course the assassination of Hariri has had a significant impact on reforms there.... but change is underway. However Hezbollah is throwing in their lot with Syria.

Egypt? Many are questioning the legitimacy of the Mubaraks rule. He has made concessions to limit his power in the constitution (though some argue it's cosmetic to pacify the US).

Saudi Arabia? There has been unrest there for some time with the decline of the economy and the view that the Royal Family are pawns of the US. It would be interesting to see if Bush will really maintain his position of spreading democracy in this case because we benefit from the way Saudi Arabia is structured now.

And of course Iraq. Many were inspired by the determination of Iraqis to vote. But then again a pro Iranian party has gained power and the Sunnis have been near completely marginalized.

Has Bush had a stroke of serendipity?

Are we seeing real reform here? Or an emboldenment of opposition groups? Most certainly many oppressed people would like to plead their case and recieve US support, but is that likely to happen?

There is a stirring in the Middle East. There could be major, major changes.... major, major war... Will we stand by our promises? Or allow their cries for freedom be squelched by our own self interest (oil)? And if there is change, will it be real change? Or just a power swap between elites? Something I heard about in comparison to Yugoslavia and the Balkans, where, after 10 years of democratic reform, there is still no real change. After all, the Congo is a democracy.... but it's run by a megalomaniac.

People are saying, the time for change is now. There is much unrest. And we will play a critical role in it all, whether we decide to involve ourselves or not. Involving ourselves in affairs all over the middle east seems a little daunting doesn't it?

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