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Don't Call it Frisco


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ahahahah, 24+ year old white guy graff writers from LA fighting with 14 year old norte gangbangers from SF, this is funny shit



your all fucking stupid, how about that. LA and SF are both looking pretty weak right now anyways. and TKO is slippin i see mad MTA shit running around the city.


that's why TKO marked ojay and shot him dead outside an art show a couple weeks back.

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22 million is the biggest load of shit ive ever heard. our citys government is fucking corrupt. gavin newsom needs to die.

they need to put that shit back into the schools. or maybe the tenderloin. i think they up the budget to 222 billion, then maybe they can complain. i honestly dont think theyve spent half that in the last 5 years. but what do i know? i do know that a shit load of the buff is from the abaitment program. i dont think any of those buffing kids got any of those millions. oh yea the property owners, they must pay thousands for the paint they use every week to keep their pulldowns clean. oh wait, they dont keep them clean. where do these figures come from?


the answer is; its a political propaganda move to make tax paying citizens believe their dollars are being wasted by colored urban youth. thus forth: continuing a racist, scared, confused and ignorant community. and you know they dont show some rich white writer gettin caught. they use a lower class colored kid. they make an enemy for the people by creating a problem for the people. ENEMY; colored urban youth-PROBLEM:22 million $$$. this gives a great opportunity for the local polititions to smile on television and collect fame. it all makes sense now right. its the same bullshit they feed us our whole life. fact is that the scared folks that watch the news and the urban youth are all victims of the American Ignorance Machine. and we are all in the shit together.

Divide and Conquer


sorry i just kinda pulled all that out my ass while drinkin my mornin esspresso over ice.

next time ill talk about:

Police: Tricks and Voodo, coming up next:scrambled:

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


its so obvious how the media is using this dude "cream" as a weapon for graffiti. the fact is, cream was crushing around two years ago, but not recently. they havent caught a SINGLE writer since him that is putting a dent in the city. putz, realizing that the big time bombers like gusto, PCF, etc are still free and destroying shit, reaches into his files and pulls out cream to make it sound like hes actually doing his job. for fucks sake, he said something about busting "razo" and that shit was in the papers 3 or 4 years ago.


good job putz!! because of you the citys fucking destroyed!!! i know you read this shit too, your slippin patna and you know it. too bad the yuppies have no idea whats REALLY going on!

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Guest nutsonmychin!

Re: Don't Call it Frisco




i wonder if it has anything to do with all this bullshit, chit chat, internet fame, people running their mouths, myspace, flikr.


shit. you used to have to go outside to get up.




now you can just wait for someone in your crew to post your same fill from 05....




and bump that shit homie.


ugh.....if you arent at work..,,,go outside, it's nice, stop talking about other people.

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they need to put that shit back into the schools. or maybe the tenderloin. i think they up the budget to 222 billion, then maybe they can complain. i honestly dont think theyve spent half that in the last 5 years. but what do i know? i do know that a shit load of the buff is from the abaitment program. i dont think any of those buffing kids got any of those millions. oh yea the property owners, they must pay thousands for the paint they use every week to keep their pulldowns clean. oh wait, they dont keep them clean. where do these figures come from?


the answer is; its a political propaganda move to make tax paying citizens believe their dollars are being wasted by colored urban youth. thus forth: continuing a racist, scared, confused and ignorant community. and you know they dont show some rich white writer gettin caught. they use a lower class colored kid. they make an enemy for the people by creating a problem for the people. ENEMY; colored urban youth-PROBLEM:22 million $$$. this gives a great opportunity for the local polititions to smile on television and collect fame. it all makes sense now right. its the same bullshit they feed us our whole life. fact is that the scared folks that watch the news and the urban youth are all victims of the American Ignorance Machine. and we are all in the shit together.

Divide and Conquer




....if you arent at work..,,,go outside, it's nice, stop talking about other people.




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I hope that EVERY WRITER reading this at least learns one thing from this bullshit political stunt that Newsom, Putz, and the rest of the City's anti-graff dildoes are trying to pull:


If you get caught up in some bullshit like poor Cream did, GET A PRIVATE ATTORNEY!


Think about it; Cream is probably some broke ass kid like most of us writers out there. The city new they could make an example out of someone who could only afford a public defender (pretender). I'm 100% sue that if some rich kid got caught up like this, a good private lawer would have NEVER let some simple misdomeanors turn into a tool for a front-page anti-graffiti campaign (which will never succeed, btw).



Do the math.. You may not be able to afford a private attorney, but many of them take credit or payments. In a situation like this, Cream would've been better off paying a private lawer $1000 to $6000 bucks (at most) for legal representation. Most likely the case would've been squashed with a slap on the wrist, community service, and your Mom and Dad wouldn't be seeing Cream buffing graffiti on the 5 o'clock news. Most importantly, he would only owe 5 Grand instead of $20,000.


REMEMBER, NEVER TRUST A BULLSHIT PUBLIC PRETENDER. They will lead you into the fire with a smile on their face and let you fry. If the case calls for it, get a real private attorney to get your busted ass off the hook.


PS. CHRIS PUTZ, your dumb, no-pussy getting, bitch ass will NEVER stop graffiti in San Francisco! You can try, but you'll only fail like that fruitcake who came before you, sucka.

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I hope that EVERY WRITER reading this at least learns one thing from this bullshit political stunt that Newsom, Putz, and the rest of the City's anti-graff dildoes are trying to pull:


If you get caught up in some bullshit like poor Cream did, GET A PRIVATE ATTORNEY!


Think about it; Cream is probably some broke ass kid like most of us writers out there. The city new they could make an example out of someone who could only afford a public defender (pretender). I'm 100% sue that if some rich kid got caught up like this, a good private lawer would have NEVER let some simple misdomeanors turn into a tool for a front-page anti-graffiti campaign (which will never succeed, btw).



Do the math.. You may not be able to afford a private attorney, but many of them take credit or payments. In a situation like this, Cream would've been better off paying a private lawer $1000 to $6000 bucks (at most) for legal representation. Most likely the case would've been squashed with a slap on the wrist, community service, and your Mom and Dad wouldn't be seeing Cream buffing graffiti on the 5 o'clock news. Most importantly, he would only owe 5 Grand instead of $20,000.


REMEMBER, NEVER TRUST A BULLSHIT PUBLIC PRETENDER. They will lead you into the fire with a smile on their face and let you fry. If the case calls for it, get a real private attorney to get your busted ass off the hook.


PS. CHRIS PUTZ, your dumb, no-pussy getting, bitch ass will NEVER stop graffiti in San Francisco! You can try, but you'll only fail like that fruitcake who came before you, sucka.



THIS IS THE TRUTH....DO NOT GET A PUBLIC DEFENDER. they work for the state.

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