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Ireland (mostly Dublin)


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i hate that when people say since when does a panel matter how clean it is,

em it always matters how clean it is,

irish people seem to love seeing panels even if there dirt,

if your not going to put something good on a train then why bother doing it if its just going to be some shit 2 colour dub that you paint simply to post on 12oz or flickr.

cos trains dont run anyway.obviously

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you paint a fucking panel then and get piks

since when was a panel judged on how clean it is we all no horst can do good panels

stop being such a girl and respect the fact he did one and got away with it


atleat he doesnt pay ppl to bring him to do panels....

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to be fair....fair play for doin a panel, but it does matter whether its clean or not....since when was it not about trying to make it look as dope as possible!!??

and all this beef about people goin to beat each other up and go to each others houses....for fuck sake, as if ireland wasnt already a joke, give it a rest with all the gossip and internet beef and let pictures speak for themselves!

Iv been away for a year and was keepin an eye on this thread to see who was painting, but its a waste of time cos its only all bullshit talk, do us a favour moderators and clean it up.

Peace everyone

RTM rude boyz

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