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Taylor Perdue

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Posts posted by Taylor Perdue




    My good homie from TN just randomly showed up on the doorstep and asked if I wanted to roll back with him so.... YEAH!!! New road trip going East! We will be going down to Santa Barbara, CA tomorrow morning, staying a couple days for a huge 84 UH crew meetup, and then moseying off east. Joshua Tree, Death Valley, TJ, not sure where exactly he wants to go but we will be caravaning with a couple other homies from TN on the way there, leapfrogging. Definately Vegas, maybe CO to check out the recreational weed scene there, and then who knows from there... One of my homies has pretty serious health problems which limits our activities but he is stubborn as a blunt smoking bullheaded minotaur on steriods and high-fives. It will be a trip.


    ANYWAY -


    If anyone is around from southern CA to the Mississippi River, gimme a hollar!! Email is KEEPITRAIL@GMAIL.COM!!


    Will post flicks when I get back to TN, unless we get detained or something. Hollar!


    Skating at Golden Gate Park...This is how he showed up on my doorstep.


    This is the kind of thing i would just love to see at 3 in the morning by myself out puttin up stickers

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