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Posts posted by backwaterbutthole

  1. Could you tell a difference?


    I wanted a pizza from these 2 places out of town and one was going to take an hour and the other one had a line around the block, the place only makes one kind of pizza a day and the one they made that day wasn't made with weird non-pizza ingredients too.


    Ended up having to get something else.

  2. Depends... how hot is she 1-10 and how much do you like your job 1-10?


    She is about a 7/10 just because i work with her brother so i know a lot about their home life.

    Appreciation of my job is about a 8/10. Climbed in the ranks and learned some shit, flexible hours.


    She is close with her mom/my boss because they now live together.


    Fuck all that :lick: Its not worth it.


    Besides she is a latin chick that thinks she is black because she is mad dark

  3. I dont understand the optimism of people coming back once 12 oz goes through this overhaul. Why would fixing the issues 3 or 4 years after the person left make a difference to them? I hope it works but i don't think anyone genuinely believes that people will return.

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