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Everything posted by Clownshow

  1. Hello, I am not a writer. I just learned about this from googling tags I see driving to/from work in Detroit. I didn't know what the phrases meant and now I understand a little better from what I have read. I am hoping you will be willing to help a casual observer like me understand a little bit about why you do some of the things you do. I am not here to flame people. Nuke my account if I am unwanted. I just have an open mind and want to understand your perspective. So for instance, one name I see over and over is HEAD. I see it in a fancy custom font in some places and then I see it in just a nasty scrawl on the 39/i96 freeway interchange. What is the point of this eyesore writing compared to the more interesting font on say the school near 39 and Warren? Is it just to show the person was agile enough to find a way up there and write it? It was there for a few months and the city has since painted over it. My next question, why just names/aliases? Why not paint something more interesting like a mural etc... and then add your name/alias to that work? That would be more interesting to me than just the name. Maybe the writer doesn't care what observers/outsiders think and the names are more for other writers to read?
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