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Posts posted by The-Sable

  1. you have been explicitly told in numerous other threads that you are not good enough to be painting, period.

    you have been told to keep it on paper, and you have been told that if you really feel the need to paint, do it on some plywood in your backyard.


    you did not heed this advice and now you got arrested.


    you are a toy.

    a toy that asks for advice and doesnt take it.


    more people than you deserve resisted the urge to online clown you and instead kept their insults to a minimum and told you to fall back until you learned the game and developed a technique.


    you refused to listen.

    id say you got what you deserve.


    and if you have to come on the internet to find out what to do to some faceless snitch thats identity youre so convinced is going to be reveealed to you, you dont have the stomach or the balls for this shit.


    i kinda hope you step to whoever the fuck it is, and they beat your ass.


    yours truly,




    People tell me this a lot (mostly on here). I ask for advice and take into consideration everything people tell me. I sketch everyday. I hit my practice board whenever I have the paint. And yes I occasionally put up wack toy shit.


    I was arrested because I unknowingly tagged my next door neighbor's office building, not because I didn't listen to people on the Internet. Yeah It sucked, but it forced me to step back and stop throwing shit up in the wall and practice until it was safe for me to go out again. Now I know not hit that building and that I need to cool down for a while.


    Read that? Learned something the hard way. I deserved my punishment for my stupidity. But I figured something out without your help or anyone else. And I couldn't be happier with what happened.


    Half the fun of graff is experienceing everything first hand and learning from being a dumbass. Not listing to some complete stranger in some unknown part of the world tell me what and what not to do. In learning the game and my technique one mistake at a time.


    I can assure you I deserve everything that's coming to me, because I fucking earned it.


    I found the kid that did it, keep your fingers crossed for me.



  2. I have been actively painting around my town for 3 months now and I have just run into a bit of problem today.


    So I was walking my dog near spot I like to bomb, checking out peoples work, putting up a few tags. I walk up to throwie of mine and see my full name and a stompdown killaz tag written (poorly) in sharpie. Not too far away is a character my friend did recently with his full name and the same tag written on it. I snap a picture of both these, send it to some of my friends with a request to find the person responsible for this.


    I should know culprit by the end of tomorrow.


    My question for you is this. How should I/would you respond this? Im not happy with this kids decision to start shit like this. I could care less if he crossed me out and painted over me, but to write my real name over my throwie has crossed the line. Im not the violent kind of person, but Im considering breaking every finger he has right now.

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