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Everything posted by keepmeloggedin

  1. Ma nikka, hol up, wat u look like getin moest at a phallus commint ma nikka? an wen i say ma nikka i dont mean that shit n a gay way ma nikka. ma nikka, u mad suspect wit that 1 kid
  2. rofl, someone's a bit defensive about having their sexuality challenged even when done indirectly to not offend i have no clue of what the fuck you're talking about seeing how my last and first account is only a week old (abandoned due to hence name) but do please elaborate on how you made that connection through one admittedly bad drawing out of all of everything else i posted, the point in that being unclear itself. all in all will not argue online with any poor sap insecure about their masculinity, as you must be the way you're raging.
  3. disregard the previous chicken scratch. here are better ones: 100% philly/dc/ny bred
  4. i see putting penises in your shit as somewhat of a homage for the first types of vandalism you've ever pulled off in your life. who hasn't drawn a dick at least once when they were curious and sexually budding preteens and or 13-14 year old delinquents? a lot who critique the usage of dicks can't help but be hypocrites, and many questions are also raised as to why they've singled out that particular aspect.
  5. unless that nigga has a lethal weapon of some sort, i frankly couldn't imagine goal being able to rob anything
  6. what he wrote? and on the subject of mugshots, that nigga lewy look like a full stashed hitlet
  7. lol, he ragged les and touched a usee tag.
  8. keepmeloggedin


    like the recent cliche of an excuse, this one wasn't done under the influences of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances
  9. good idea but doesn't seem that solid. someone's going to either hold onto it or rag the pages and post them on here for kicks. the asshole factor is completely unavoidable.
  10. anyways i dont think they can bag you just because your face is linked to a name. got to be caught in the act before they can really do shit.
  11. there's more *bombers* in New York than there are any place in the world. this ZN guy, and especially "SAATER," are unknown to possibly anyone beyond this forum and niggas in that drama. the worst that can happen is dudes knowing who to herb and jack paint from shall they bump into them, zn in particular, on the streets, and for good reason at that. out of all serious writers out of all runner ups out of all general writers out of all bombing once a week cats the fuck will pigs really achieve bagging these niggas (if that's the concern). that being said, i say keep the video up. though mild its perhaps the most in life shit posted on here in a while
  12. the login problem could be afflicting relatively new accounts, though i do assume and hope they've fixed it during the brief time the website was down earlier today (or it probably just went cumpoops again, like always :c ).
  13. Honestly 12oz, too much going on here for the website to still be in beta mode. hope it's in reference to the new forum software and hasn't been like this since its creation. with the professional, established appearance of the home page you'd of never thought the site has such major problems
  14. graffiti on clothing is sorta cheesy unless when worn ironically
  15. that advice being you express your problems with somebody on a street where you can get stabbed for more trivial reasons in comparison? not saying that it was meant as advice in the first place, but that ain't advice to take. :lol:
  16. flowers, hearts, pinks, purples, girly characters, various other female girly girl stereotypes. but totally let the kitchen theme past right through their heads
  17. the rock bottom questionable though. fat clumsy nigga walked into it with his zombie arms looking ass.
  18. though i believe it should only be an "anything goes" situation when it's for the sake of your life whereas these niggas were going 1 on 1 with homies supervising it, not even that would justify dudes pulling hair on top of each other ripping clothes and exposing man boobs no blood or anything. but i guess he still beat wack nigga a sense...?
  19. you might as well state your name guy, as much of your business you're putting out there.
  20. hope he still doesn't do that crown on his shit
  21. nigga probably trying to go out like a boxer
  22. hair pulling though..? could of mistaken them for females from a distance to be 100 both of them cats probably couldn't square up to save their lives.
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