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ReaL One$

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Posts posted by ReaL One$

  1. IMG_7479.jpg



    youngster EBOK's got skills fool.....


    (here come the haters)


    bump this real please, much appreciated...




    No it's not that good but like zomb said, you gotta start somewhere so hate hate hate baby! HATE ON IOWA!!!

  2. yea guys.. :rolleyes:

    I hate Iowa too, but I actually love graffiti and understand it thoroughly. You're uneducated and don't understand what true passion is... Let me be frank. ANY HATERS JUST EMAIL ME. Iowans won't upload cause you guys are hating so much... Cause I am as good as it gets here. Be nice. idg a fuck... Battle me if you have qualms..... but bet. BET you wont battle me. -posting

  3. 35 painting on boards in ur backyard?!? try like -2 ainting trains, puttin ur foot through ice and getting soaked before u even get to the spot then spendin 2 hours there, no gloves blastin ur hand on some metal stickin out of the train, then waking up the next day with frost bite on ur writing hand


    youre not impressing anyone "real" guy. i would say close this thread, but you're incorrigible.


    You're impressive.



    Real called you a toy.

  4. 35 painting on boards in ur backyard?!? try like -2 ainting trains, puttin ur foot through ice and getting soaked before u even get to the spot then spendin 2 hours there, no gloves blastin ur hand on some metal stickin out of the train, then waking up the next day with frost bite on ur writing hand


    Well that all sucks bro.. This was an auction where I painted live btw..

  5. Yep and you're the one to judge. Just like all of these fake ass graff writers. I'm come to a consensus about people like you. You're angry, jealous, cocky, and have LITTLE talent with aerosol. OR.. Battle me or stay a punk ass hater... Bet.


    Gimme a word


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