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Posts posted by Monestar

  1. @satire+Lol thanks my dude! Thats a-motivating post u got there props

    @nove that shit is nuts man. Fun fact. When i first got into drawing i would draw fatalities from mk2 lol... my mom did not like that very much

  2. Hay MONE you need to change your name. Its already exist a MONE and its much older than you

    see the attached link


    That is "Mone78" I have him on Facebook also lol. And he is not the first "MONE" Either hense the name Mone78

    There is a Mone that writes out of New York that is ancient in the Graff world that has actually confronted me on here. I know I am not the first Mone but I look at style rather than what Artists call there selves... At this point in time all the names have to be taken

    For instance There is a Pose1 and a Pose2 even know Pose2 was most likely the name bearer of Pose longer than Pose from Chicago.

    Style matters Peace

    @Romero- The train left within 8 minutes of me starting the piece I ran to get a flick while some dude was walking towards me lol

  3. The funny thing is there is a lot of style that look simular to that of mad C but i seriously dont even look at her in all honesty. It surprises me to see the similarity in the slants of the M especially the black and red outline. My main interest is flowing the letters together and obviously Madc does that with ease


    @umpire i get what u are saying. The arrow can take away from the K being a k. That is a valid point ill work on that.

    thanks i made that character using betty boop as a reference

  4. I respect your opinion because ive seen your work and you know what you're doing. But i am confused about you're comment. In this piece i just posted all of the letters i did were new and unique and the letters themself are free of color(white) the extensions make sense to me. I hope you are reffering to the repetition of Ms i posted earlier let me know.


    @Satire -im excited bro im sure u whipped up some fire to put in the package

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