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Posts posted by kortesoner

  1. Mad agreement with the above statement, Our entire world is run by money and it`s all a fucked up game. If you`re born into a third world country with no money for food or oppurtunity to work, then your fucking dead. Every day i see a new ad telling me to buy some new shit, when really what they`re selling is already planned to break so that you`ll have to buy more. I`ll paint a bank, smash the bank windows while I`m at it, rack from wal mart cause they`re a corporation out to make money and nothing else. they`re not there for YOU, you are there for THEM. They buy out all small businesses, put them outta business, then you`re added to their list of customers-making them more money.

    If the big deal is how long you`ll spend in jail, then that`s out of your hands. YOU never asked to have to work in a SHIT system which creates more and more useless jobs to afford living- that suck out your very essence of being. Think about it: how many jobs are created only for the purpose of MAKING MONEY- marketing, wall street investments, FUCK FOR CHRISTS SAKE THE PRIVITIZATION OF PRISONS MEANS THAT FOR EVERY PRISONER THE SHARE HOLDERS ARE MAKING MONEY- THEY ARE PROFITING OFF PEOPLE BEING IN JAIL, NOT FROM HELPING PEOPLE AND HELPING TO INVESTIGATE THE SOCIAL REASONS WHY PEOPLE END UP IN JAIL TO BEGIN WITH.

    So if you don`t want to end up in jail then don`t steal. But if you don`t give a fuck about large corporations or money, then rack up.

    For the record i stick to what i see as the rules of what not to paint- houses, mom and pop shops, churches, and school.

    I`ve also only ever stole from a PERSON once- i later told them and gave the shit back.

    And finally, i rack paint.

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