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Posts posted by Deeetect

  1. cheddar bob who da fuck even asked u tho my nigga? u comin out of queen latifahs ass crack outa no where in the middle of the gawds dinner table with ya little pawn ass opinion as if u Red 429 and shit. if u take one thing from me young padawan let it be that u only speak when spoken to until then keep sucking me or hit me up on aim xxthakingofqueenzxx and we can further continue this my movie character about a white rapper from michigan [/color][/i][/b]


    nigga.. detroit is not even in michigan

  2. what piece of your mind were you giving, the same bullshit rhetoric you constantly repeat,


    "you gotta practice man the youngins dont practice"


    wow how insightful thank you for that gem of advice.


    talent isnt just graff theory, its applying it as well.

    like fuki said, BALANCE young dumpring



    My guy balance is what it is but you have to start out somewhere.....if you want to be "dope,nice,have talent" you have to start out on paper apposed to a wall. Then if you want to take shit serious "witch is a personal decision* you can hit the streets and learn the ways and get "experience". Stop trying to act hard on here...its not a good look on you

  3. Graffiti is a good talent to have. To be able to draw letters that look nice to the eye is a big difference then just getting up. Half of new york just bomb because they want to/its fun/the fame but when it comes down to it. People wont take you serious unless you have the talent to show that your nice at what you do. Personally I'm not the type to risk my freedom for something I'm not good at doing you feel me? I'd rather be dope and when you get caught it'd be worth it apposed to the opposite.

  4. Just for the record I'm not a sketchbook writer. I was just conveying the fact that people were talking about styes in the past pages and I was giving them a piece of mind. This city is missing a major factor to graffiti witch is the talent portion and the only way to get talent is to work on it and painting is a big step but you have to take baby steps first to be able to get that talent style what ever your trying to do.

  5. "it takes years to get handstyles, takes years to learn history, takes years to earn your stripes man." that's what this city is missing... all this talk about style is pointless when what matters is the time you spend with a pen/paper. end of story

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