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Everything posted by MY-FUCKING-DICK

  1. Actually, I know that the Vikings were the first Europeans to come here. Casek, are your grandparents still alive? Do you know anybody who lived through the depression? Why don't you ask them. (Then again you're from bumfuck Tennessee where everything hits later than the rest of the country. Yall prolly didin't even have hippies till the early 80's) The spin that WW2 ended the depression is a revisionist myth. And FYI, we got bombed in December of 41, but didn't do anything about it till early 42. What exactly makes you think that a 1940's economy would instantly turn around by getting bombed? It takes a little more than a minute for the war industry to get churning to a steady enough beat to actually affect the national economy. Especially back in the 40's when everything moved at the pace of a snail compared to today. C'mon son....You smarter than that. Stop trolling.
  2. You sure sound butthurt about filthy rich people having to pay their taxes again.
  3. I said that I learned it along with everyone else in middle school history class. I just felt like mentioning that my grandparents (who actually lived through the depression) cosigned that it was already over by the time we got involved in WW2. And I don't "tow a party line" on everything. You already know this about me.
  4. Little boy, this is a recession that almost was a depression because REPUBLICANS threw unpayable money into two wars. While at the same time CUTTING TAXES of the WEALTHY. And because these rich, spoiled faggots who got their tax cuts during said wars turned around and shipped most of our jobs to 3rd world countries. Go to school before I spank you. nh
  5. Yeah, cause you trust fund kids really work hard for your inheritance.
  6. It's a Fox news lie that people like you believe actually exists. You know you can find anything on google, right? No matter how absurd. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=flat%20earth%20society&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=nw
  7. Clearly I do. It's funny that somebody who spends as much time typing copy-pasting as many walls of texts as you do, doesn't know what he's talking about half the time.
  8. Nigga---- if you---- was ever---- at----- arms length---- of me----- you'd wave----- a white----- flag------ nigga------>. [ATTACH]147924.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. If that was really me, I probably would have killed my self a long time ago. Props to that nigga for not killing himself a long time ago.
  10. Is you seriously comparing me to ssgg? After waving the white flag to me on tc? Cause I have screen shots to prove that you waved said white flag.
  11. But all T34B4GG3R5 are republicans. Hence Teapublicans.
  12. I'm thinking he's just a troll who lives nowhere near Chicago.
  13. If I made over $250,000 a year, I would gladly pay 40% in taxes. Especially considering that most people who make "over $250,000 a year" actually make millions and billions a year. I'm just putting that out there. And FYI, only 2% of this county makes over $250,000 a year.
  14. Black gangs in your city are still to this day killing eatchother like it's 1993.
  16. THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. There's nothing "retarded" about paying your fair share. What's "retarded" is giving them fat cat niggas a FUCKING TAX BREAK, while at the same time having congress hand you unpayable amounts of money to simultaneously launch two wars. One of which is still to this day questionable, and the other of which has already been flat out proven to be over a lie and completely unjustified. The rich people in this country at least contributed to, and at most caused this recession. And therefore they should do their civic duty and RETURN TO paying their taxes in an attempt to end it. What the fuck is so hard to comprehend about that? THEY are not hurting. The rest of us are. Due to THEM shipping our jobs over seas. And due to THEIR wars that they send US to fight. Is this really something to even be arguing about?
  18. You do realize that you have to spend money to make money, right? You also realize that when Washington was prez you could probably buy a house for $10.00 Cause I know that when Reagan was prez, you could buy a decent house for about $30,000. You ever hear of this thing called inflation? You should google it.
  19. I havn't even clicked your link yet, but MAJOR CORPORATIONS (You know, the ones you teapublicans are all for having their backs. The ones who finance your "tea parties") end up paying 0 in taxes due to said loopholes. Are you seriously saying that you're against your own party's line on this issue? Or are you just confused?
  20. If you're making over $250,000 a year, you're not hurting. At all. Not even close. And sure as fuck not enough to be bitching about paying what the fuck you're supposed to be paying in taxes. This is a fucking recession. This was almost a depression. Now that the Teapublicans have the majority, it might just well turn into a depression. The people who are hurting, are the lower 98% who justly got their taxes cut by Obama. The people who earn over $250,000 a year are still eating well while a seriously large portion of the rest of the country are losing their jobs and their homes. Due to the upper 98% shipping their jobs to sweat shops over seas. There is also a deficit that was created by YOUR people that needs to be addressed. PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES, AND THE SHIT MIGHT JUST GO AWAY. YOU FUCKING GREEDY BASTARDS.
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