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Posts posted by MYFUCKINGDICK

  1. its nov 1 2010 and im still waiting for this change that everyone voted obama in for. whens this change supposed to take place?


    After we kick out the Republicans who are fighting him tooth and nail.

  2. Those tax cuts are for the people who are actually spending money right now. The same people

    who are keeping us afloat by going to the malls, movies, etc.


    Social Security is on it's way out, anyway. It's been tanking since before Bush came along. None of us below 45 are going to have it.


    I'm not sure you really know what you're talking about.


    Sidenote: Fuck Christine O'Donnell.



    /Constitutional Conservative




    Rich people are known for hording and investing a shit load of money, thereby keeping it out of the economy.

    Either way they can afford to pay their taxes that they used to pay before Bush's tax cuts.

    The rich aren't hurting in this recession.

    The other 98% of us could use every extra dollar for food and bills.

    And we have a deficit that needs to be payed off somehow.

    Common sense, bro.

  3. [/url]


    That shit was from when he was in some college Frat.

    My real question for him would be WTF is he talking about when he says that he's against the Civil Rights act that allows negros, Mexicans, Asians etc to eat at Denny's?


    Or better yet, why is he peoples with these peoples?


    ^Cause those weren't just random supporters, they were his actual campaign team.

  4. How would you like it if I came around and wrote my name on the side of your house...?




    Finally after two years as a home owner some little punk graffed (whilst dancing no-doubt) my place.


    How do I feel, how do I feel...? Probably would have given him a clip around the ears for the weak hand. :D :D :D



    Play on




    There was some wack ass toy tag on the electric box when we bought our house.

    It said "Oner".

    It was clearly old and faded.

    I was actually pissed and felt seriously violated as a homeowner when that shit got buffed.

    That's my stance on the matter.


    If you feel some type of way about it, then X the shit and write your tag.

    Or just buff it.

    I really don't see much of an issue here.

  5. Either way, any Teabag/Republican seats gained is a fucking loss for America in general.

    It's more dipshits screaming no just to hear themselves scream no.

    A complete democratic shutout would do alot in the way of freeing up this administration to make some real reforms and changes.


    Oh and I forgot to mention they wanna get rid of the VA too.

    Welcome home, vets.

    Now vote wisely.

  6. This is the Teapublicans agenda if they should win the majority.


    *Continue the Bush tax cuts for the filthy rich during a recession and record deficit.

    *Overturn what little healthcare reform that we actually achieved (end to previous conditions, extensions on parents plans keeping their kids on until the age of 26).

    *Cutting and eventually getting rid of medicare.

    *Cutting and eventually getting rid of Social Security.

    *Abolishing the department of education (public school system).

    *Overturn the first amendments separation of Church and state and turn America into a Christian nation (authough which sect of Christianity is still yet to be determined, but Glenn Beck is a fucking Morman and we all know how much influence that flaming douchebag has over that crowd).

    *Shutting down the government like how they did in 1995.

    That means that your grandparents will stop receiving their Social Security checks, anybody you know who is on Medicare or Medicaid will stop receiving benefits, and you or anybody you know who is currently unemployed due to 8 years of Republican rule and is receiving unemployment benefits will stop getting their rent paying checks in the mail.

    Infact, these fucking dimwits actually want to shrink the federal government to the size that it was in 1776 (yet add some yet to be determined Christian church as head. My guess is tht the Evangelicals are gonna tell Beck where he can shove his Mormanism).

    *And first and foremost "Making Obama a one term president" by throwing even bigger temper tantums and becoming an even bigger party of no than they've already been.

    Obama will not be able to accomplish jack shit if these redneck, corporate America loving, Fox news watching, Rush Limbaugh/ Glenn Beck inspired, ignorant brainwashed fucking sheep get their way at the polls on Tuesday.


    My point is that you people have a serious choice on Tuesday.

    You can either keep a democratic majority to give Obama a chance to actually do more for this country (even if he can't accomplish all that he wants to in the wake of 8 years of Bush/Cheney), or you can just decide that you're mad at Obama and the the democrats all together and either not vote at all, or vote for the same exact assholes who took Clintons surplus and threw it (along with a record ridiculous amount of unpayable money) into two wars while at the same time cutting the taxes on the richest of the rich, and while encouraging mega corporations to outsource our workforce to sweatshops in fucking China by default creating this very exact recession that Bushes successor is getting blamed for even though he actually did exactly what needed to be done to avoid the second great depression that we were headed for after 8 years of Republican rule.


    Make no mistake, this "Tea party" is not some grass roots anti government anarchist movement.

    They are an extreme rightwing Republican movement of sheep being hurded by the likes of Dick Armey and Sarah Palin.

    And their plans for America are about as right wing Republican extremest as it gets.


    So you can either not vote at all, you could vote for the Teapublicans out of anger at the situation that they actually got us into in the first place and out of anger for the Democrats for not being able to pull us out of it fast enough, or you can at least vote against these Fox news brainwashed redneck fucking morons so that 2 years from now we're not 100 times worse off than we are now.


    Wake the fuck up.
































































































    • Like 1
  7. how do i know what kind of purse that is?

    because i read the article.


    how do i know what burberry is?

    i fuck higher class hoes than your american apparel hipsters.

    and ive been known to hit saks fifth when im down south of the border.


    didnt you hear?

    i live my life vicariously through dwayne carter.

    he wears it, its cool wit me.




    fuckouttahea br0.







    So in other words you're a metrosexual?

    We call them fags down here.

  8. that's cute and all but nobody gives a fuck about your educated opinion on diarrhea. stick to your legal walls and internet graffiti my friend, and let us worry about what our tags look like.


    I don't do legal walls, and my tags shit on your diarrhea bum spray.


    This is the "handstyles" thread.

    Food for thought: why would you post any hands that aren't straight heat in a thread that's devoted to handstyles?

    Were you seriously expecting the worlds props after posting that shit in here?


    Like I said though, constructive criticism. Take it or leave it.

  9. you know it haha.


    what i want to know is what is an 80 something year old woman doing rocking a burberry purse.

    and where can i get ahold of said lady for some sugar mommaing.


    What I wanna know is, how the fuck would you know what kind of purse that is?

    There might be a /nh in order after typing a statement like that.

  10. screencapture31.png



    only toys brag about their ups on the internet, next time real heads are talking nigga shut your mouth




    Nigga you openly admitted that you don't even write.

    You openly said "I don't even write, but I put up my boys crew here and there when I'm drunk".

    You didn't do that throwie.

    And mines are better.

  11. Dubstep is a genre within techno. I think it's what Jungle/DnB has become.


    But I could be wrong, because i've never actually sat down and listened to it.


    Dubstep is the same thing as jungle.

    Just like how jungle was the same thing as drum and bass.

    When people started calling drum and bass "jungle", other people were asking what the difference was.

    There was no difference, and there is no difference.

    All three are the exact same music.

  12. pa240095.jpg












    No offense bro, but this looks like diarrhea.

    The reason why I say this is because I've actually seen walls sprayed with bum diarrhea, and these pics look exactly like that.


    Constructive criticism.

  13. I was given da ok I wouldn't want any beef wit menos but one of his boys said it was fine dat he has more shit there so I did it it's not like im going over every one of his shit I usually go over anyone who goes over me unless they did pieces ova my filling I won't care..but other than dat if u got an outline I'm doing a filling or if u got a filling I'm doing piece! >:) I hope ur question was answered I'm in it to be disrespectful is wat I'm trying to say


    It's not about fills over hollows, it's about respecting your elders.

    You're obviously new to graffiti, and therefore shouldn't be going over anybody period

    unless they actually start beef with you first.

    And that wasn't even a hollow you went over, you did some wack ass fill over a fill so what the fuck are you even talking about?


    Fucking christ.

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