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Posts posted by MYFUCKINGDICK

  1. Keep believing that.



    "For the United States, World War II and the Great Depression constituted the most important economic event of the twentieth century. The war's effects were varied and far-reaching. The war decisively ended the depression itself. The federal government emerged from the war as a potent economic actor, able to regulate economic activity and to partially control the economy through spending and consumption. American industry was revitalized by the war, and many sectors were by 1945 either sharply oriented to defense production (for example, aerospace and electronics) or completely dependent on it (atomic energy). The organized labor movement, strengthened by the war beyond even its depression-era height, became a major counterbalance to both the government and private industry. The war's rapid scientific and technological changes continued and intensified trends begun during the Great Depression and created a permanent expectation of continued innovation on the part of many scientists, engineers, government officials and citizens. Similarly, the substantial increases in personal income and frequently, if not always, in quality of life during the war led many Americans to foresee permanent improvements to their material circumstances, even as others feared a postwar return of the depression. Finally, the war's global scale severely damaged every major economy in the world except for the United States, which thus enjoyed unprecedented economic and political power after 1945."






    You keep believing Republican lies and revisionist history.

    I didn't need to google when the great depression ended, because my grandparents grew up during that time and told me a long time ago that this claim that WW2 ended the great depression was a myth.

    Social studies class in middle school told me the same thing.

    The new deal ended the great depression in America.

    Wars do not end recessions or depressions.

    Look at the recession of the 70's. That was on the heals of the Vietnam war.

    Look at the near depression that Bush's wars got us into. You can't seriously be arguing with a straight face that wars end recessions, when we had a record surplus before Bush's wars and within a few years had a record deficit.

    You're off your rocker, but you're not stupid.

    Just admit that you're trolling at this point.

  2. Yeah, someone just handed them that money. That's right.



    I just realized that I should tag that as sarcasm.




    Bush/Cheney did hand that to them through tax cuts and deregulation.


    No sarcasm.


    WWII is really responsible for bringing the country out of the great depression. It's hard for some people to wrap their heads around that, but it is fact.


    Comparing then and now is really hard to do. I don't quite understand how one could do that. Then again, I'm discussing this with you....so, I guess that's what I get.




    "started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s"


    The depression was pretty much over by the time we even entered WW2.

    We didn't just rebound all of a sudden the day Japan sank out ships at Pearl Harbor, it took years for our war manufacturing economy to get into full swing.

    It was Roosevelt's "New Deal" that ended the great depression.

  4. But it will make them move.

    And spend what money they do (+ property taxes, etc) in Monaco instead of in CA.


    Nobody's going to decide to move to another country based on tax rates.

    That's one of the most ridiculous myths ever spun, and I can't believe that there's people stupid enough to actually believe it.

  5. People have this weirdness about them. They want to receive money without working for it

    and hate those who work for it and make something for themselves. "Give us healthcare"

    "Give us welfare" "Give us bus fare". Give us, give us, give us.


    "Give us tax breaks", "Give us cheap labor", "stop regulating us".


    Newsflash, Casek. Billionaires don't "work".

    They get other people to do that for them.

  6. This was also after a couple of wars and production was up, technological innovations were

    coming out left and right, etc.


    What have these couple of wars done for our economy? :rolleyes:

  7. They are the small business owners, the people working two jobs struggling to get by, they people who buy cars and fuel our economy. Especially if you live in a state with high taxes as it is, $100,000 is nothing. Yeah it might make you rich in Louisiana, but come up to Massachusetts and it's a whole different ballgame.


    They are the top 2% of this country.

    When you look at the people who make over $250,000 a year, most of them are millionaires and billionaires.

    They are NOT the mom and pops.

    They are the Oprahs and Bill Gates.

  8. If you tax the fuck out of "the rich" (people who make over $100,000 a year are no considered rich, however, this is not the case), you will be fucking the country in the ass, no lube. These are the people who are spending money right now. Same people who give Joe Average a job. Same people who go to the movies, mall, etc. We tax them more and they stop spending, stop being able to employ as many people at their small business, etc.




    *$250,000 a year.


    And nobody who makes over $250,000 a year is even going to be affected by going back to their previous tax rate, much less stop going to the movies and shopping at malls.

    Be real, those people don't even shop at malls or mix it with the peasants anyways.


    Stop trolling, Casek.

  9. National Deficit:


    Obama has proposed a budget that would:

    * Increase spending by $1 trillion over the next decade;

    * Include an additional $250 billion placeholder for another financial bailout;

    * Likely lead to a 12 percent increase in discretionary spending;

    * Permanently expand the federal government by nearly 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) over pre-recession levels;

    * Raise taxes on all Americans by $1.4 trillion over the next decade;

    * Raise taxes for 3.2 million taxpayers by an average of $300,000 over the next decade;

    * Call for a pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) law despite offering a budget that would violate it by $3.4 trillion;

    * Assume a rosy economic scenario that few economists anticipate;

    * Leave permanent deficits averaging $600 billion even after the economy recovers; and

    * Double the publicly held national debt to over $15 trillion ($12.5 trillion after inflation)


    January 1st, 2013 starts the largest tax increase in the history of the U.S.A. Get ready for it people, some people think it will help but only time will tell...


    Additionally not sure how much those charts you are referring to really tell... The Unemployment rate is HIGHER than it ever was when Bush was in office. This is a fact! Maybe more jobs are being created under Obama, but the rate at which jobs are being lost is much higher than that which they are being created, thus higher unemployment levels.


    The US unemployment rate has not fallen below 9.4 percent in the last 18 months. This is unprecedented. January 2009, the rate was 7.7%.

    More on the taxes later on...





    This is the Teapublicans agenda if they should win the majority.


    *Continue the Bush tax cuts for the filthy rich during a recession and record deficit.

    *Overturn what little healthcare reform that we actually achieved (end to previous conditions, extensions on parents plans keeping their kids on until the age of 26).

    *Cutting and eventually getting rid of medicare.

    *Cutting and eventually getting rid of Social Security.

    *Abolishing the department of education (public school system).

    *Overturn the first amendments separation of Church and state and turn America into a Christian nation (authough which sect of Christianity is still yet to be determined, but Glenn Beck is a fucking Morman and we all know how much influence that flaming douchebag has over that crowd).

    *Shutting down the government like how they did in 1995.

    That means that your grandparents will stop receiving their Social Security checks, anybody you know who is on Medicare or Medicaid will stop receiving benefits, and you or anybody you know who is currently unemployed due to 8 years of Republican rule and is receiving unemployment benefits will stop getting their rent paying checks in the mail.

    Infact, these fucking dimwits actually want to shrink the federal government to the size that it was in 1776 (yet add some yet to be determined Christian church as head. My guess is tht the Evangelicals are gonna tell Beck where he can shove his Mormanism).

    *And first and foremost "Making Obama a one term president" by throwing even bigger temper tantums and becoming an even bigger party of no than they've already been.

    Obama will not be able to accomplish jack shit if these redneck, corporate America loving, Fox news watching, Rush Limbaugh/ Glenn Beck inspired, ignorant brainwashed fucking sheep get their way at the polls on Tuesday.


    My point is that you people have a serious choice on Tuesday.

    You can either keep a democratic majority to give Obama a chance to actually do more for this country (even if he can't accomplish all that he wants to in the wake of 8 years of Bush/Cheney), or you can just decide that you're mad at Obama and the the democrats all together and either not vote at all, or vote for the same exact assholes who took Clintons surplus and threw it (along with a record ridiculous amount of unpayable money) into two wars while at the same time cutting the taxes on the richest of the rich, and while encouraging mega corporations to outsource our workforce to sweatshops in fucking China by default creating this very exact recession that Bushes successor is getting blamed for even though he actually did exactly what needed to be done to avoid the second great depression that we were headed for after 8 years of Republican rule.


    Make no mistake, this "Tea party" is not some grass roots anti government anarchist movement.

    They are an extreme rightwing Republican movement of sheep being hurded by the likes of Dick Armey and Sarah Palin.

    And their plans for America are about as right wing Republican extremest as it gets.


    So you can either not vote at all, you could vote for the Teapublicans out of anger at the situation that they actually got us into in the first place and out of anger for the Democrats for not being able to pull us out of it fast enough, or you can at least vote against these Fox news brainwashed redneck fucking morons so that 2 years from now we're not 100 times worse off than we are now.


    Wake the fuck up.







    And FYI, the ONLY people getting their taxes increased are the rich.

    The other 98% of us already got our taxes lowered.

    Stop getting your info from Fox news.


  10. One thing I never understood about Conservatives & Republicans:


    Government spending on wars & rebuilding that country's infrastructure = Patriotism


    Government spending on rebuilding America's own infrastructure (Stimulus, roads, national parks, bridges, Healthcare reform, railways, public education, unemployment benefits, social security) = Evil "Socialism"


    We actually wrote into Germany's "constitution" that they were to have public healrthcare after we kicked their asses in WW2.

    We basically gave them what we refuse to give to ourselves, and they've been good ever since.

    Shit, when was the last time they even started a war since WW2???

  11. is that the olive branch?


    or did you finally realize that your pathetic attempts at busting my balls (nh), and trying to be funny, were making you look more like a pathetic sulky hipster/self righteous wigger than you had hoped?


    dont even try to outwit me in my own thread, br0sephine.


    Olive branch???

    Nigga you gay.


  12. i think youre obsessed with my wardrobe.

    which makes you HOMOsexual.


    why do you care so much about another mans fashion sense?


    lets put it this way...


    if you ever found a girlfriend, my dick would be in her pussy.


    and you'd be standing there in your orange tab levis wondering what happened.


    You the one who seems obsessed.

    And I haven't rocked Levis since elementary school.

  13. in other words...


    im at a point in my life, professionally and personally, that does not allow me to acquire clothes from the local value village.

    or walk around everyday wearing paint splattered airwalks.


    youll get there eventually.


    or you wont.













    ^This nigga in the 3 piece is stylin on you and your metrosexual fag gear.

    I think you're mad at yourself.

  14. Given that I don't closely align myself with either side... calmate.


    I intend to include things like his stimulus package in the category of "other factors." i'm highly skeptical it helped, based on what i know about it.


    That was a legitimate question. Did it help?


    If it wasn't for the stimulus and tarp, we'd be in a second great depression.






















































































    And the American Auto industry would be kaput.

    And then we would have never have had any of this awesomeness.










  15. Lesser of two evils is how i see it.


    Sometimes that really is the only way to look at it in a time like this when so much is at stake for the future of our country.

    • Like 1
  16. seems like a lot of people want some republicans back in



    A lot of brainwashed, racist, redneck, Jerry Springer audience types who watch too much Fox news and have absolutely no grasp on reality whatsoever.

  17. Nah i wasn't saying it was all the dems fault.

    i used "democratic gridlock" as in "democracy," our occasionally-misguided political system.


    There's gonna be gridlock regardless of what happens today.. neither party has an especially good solution to fixing whats going on.


    But you have to agree that obamas healthcare plan + the total collapse of social security (which has essentially been looked over) do not bode well for the national debt. At all. I don't agree with deficit spending; some do.... that may be an issue for a different part of this forum however.


    There is no collapse of Social Security.

    That's a Republican spun myth.

    Theo already covered that in this thread.


    And as for this ridiculous spending is concerned, I was saying the same shit when congress was granting Bush ridiculously unpayable amounts of money to go into Iraq on the basis of what I and most level headed people knew at that time to be a lie.

    But Bush did get us into this shit, and Obama did what he had to do to at least slow the roll into a second great depression.

    More needs to be done.

    What all needs to be done to fix the deficit, I don't know. But going back to taxing the rich is a damned good start.

    And cutting Social security, Medicare, THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. etc is not a good look at all.

  18. they played ball all right.

    played ball right into iraq

    and in the US as well with the patriot act.

    great ball game guys



    They rolled right over and let the Republicans steamroll us into two wars that caused this deficit and near depression.

    And the absolutely BIGGEST expansions on "big government" in the history of this country.

    But god forbid the Republicans lose their majority and a black man becomes president, then they wanna throw 2 year old style temper tantrums and absolutely refuse to go along with the dems on one single fucking thing.


    The Republicans got their shot for 8 fucking years, and they wore out their welcome and got voted the fuck out.

    Now they want back in????



  19. You do realize how much the deficit has grown and will continue to grow under Obama correct? And how much it will grow once Health Care Reform goes into action? :lol: Comical.


    You do realize that that money is being thrown at fixing the problem that 8 years of Republicanism left us with, right?

    You do realize that without the tarp and bailout, that we'd be in a second great depression right now, right?

  20. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    And you ask about how & why cutting certain programs is necessary, and how it's "FUCKED UP REPUBLICANS" that are responsible.... here's why cutting things is necessary... it's "common sense, bro."


    So you would rather cut your grandmoms Social Security checks that she payed into most of her life, than go back to taxing Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates what they used to be taxed?

    You wanna cut your Grandmoms Medicare too?

    You gonna put her up in your closet when she can't pay her rent and bury her in your back yard next to the family dog when she croaks?

    Or do you think Bill Gates or Oprah will foot the bill for her funeral with all that extra money from their tax breaks?

  21. You're off...

    When the republicans/teabaggers/libertarians/pastafarians gain seats, all that's gonna happen is democratic gridlock. That's what happens when the Executive and the Legislative aren't aligned; nothing happens, because of the balance in our system. This has happened to Democrats and Republicans equally in midterm elections - see Bush's presidency. Even if Republicans have a ridiculous sweep and take the House and Senate, it will still be extremely difficult for them to pass legislation over obama's veto... that requires a 2/3 majority if i remember right.


    So, essentially, this election simply signals the end of the democrats having control of the house, senate, and white house; all three combined to bring "hope and change" to america in the convenient form of "mounds of fucking debt."


    Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about.

    It's not "democratic gridlock, it's republican grid lock.

    The dems played ball with Bush.

    But when Obama and the dems tried to play ball with the Republican congress ever since Obama's election, the republicans straight up refused to compromise on anything at all.

    They resorted to making up a million fucking lies about Obama everything from him not being born in Hawaii, to him bing a socialist, to him being a Nazi, to him being a Muslim.

    These fucking assholes are straight retarded with the shit that they've been pulling ever since 2008, WTF makes you think it's going to be even less so when they get the majority?

    They're straight up promising to do everything that I've already stated from refusing to compromise on anything to actually shutting down the government in protest like they did in 1995.


    And it was the REPUBLICANS who caused the mounds of fucking debt.

    Jesus fucking christ.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to explain to 7 year olds that clouds are not made of cotton candy, and the moon is not made of cheese.


  22. um... the senate is mostly liberal democrats (until tomorrow) and they dont even want to pass obamas shit. dont be mad at republicans because you drank the obama kool aid.

    obama is literally the third president bush



    You're both fucking idiots.

  23. hey its the first of the month, get off the internet and go collect your welfare check


    I've never collected welfare in my life.

    Maybe you should get your heads out of your ass and stop getting high off the fumes of your own jenkum.

  24. I wonder about people sometimes. You are so willing to let one party have complete control.

    The U.S. was not founded on these ideas and it was never meant to have one party have complete control. There must be push and pull for the government to operate in a manner that benefits the people.


    Also, you need to remember that all the power you relegate to one party you support will not

    always be in the hands of that one party/person. After all, presidents come and go. That same power that you give to a president you trust will be given to a president you may not trust so much.


    Just my thoughts, take it or leave it. I'm no one special.


    Unfortunately that's the only way anything can get done in this currant political environment.

    The dems tried to play bipartisan, the Republicans threw temper tantrums and straight out refused to compromise on anything.

    And now they're running on a promise to never compromise ever.

    John Bohner straight out said "this is not a time for compromise".

    So don't blame the dems for this atmosphere, blame it on the fucking douchebags who created it.

    Fox news and the Republican party.

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