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Everything posted by karocksalot

  1. this shit is dope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. dealy stan the car b que was classic....
  3. as far as what you said the only thing related to your comment was about him coming from nowhere...and he didnt come from nowhere in my world me and mask used to pump dave up hard he is a student to his peers and look at the difference in his work thats all i was sayin...dude me and you pm so why would i be cool and talk to you there and then come on here and attack you....yall need to chill everytime i say something you guys get all emotional who cares anyway we all suck.............lol and was not necessary was about bolton and the moderator shit was foul......
  4. here i got my man skarr akbar to fix that three d for you....
  5. daver is very dope but he did not come from out the blue and yall should study that cat he is the last of the baltimore burners for sure long live daver...........baltimore drippen gutta © summer 2011...................and sucking graf related dicks wow that was not necessary..bolton i hope you paint as well as you think your funny and i know who you are so make sure you smile for the camera.......more brick slaying please .......big up that aron joint to that shit was nasty........
  6. this was the dopest post i didnt do lol just kidding this is the shit..big ups for this one .
  7. bump ker stab arek vandal more fliks i saw a vandal the other day out here near seattle
  8. you sound bipolar listen this is beef? who is you i dont know you and wasnt even talkin to you so what do you want?fuck tenfold i aint got no skelotons in the graff game if you ask me i will tell you anything...............and you aint used a sketchbook in a decade and so that supposed to mean what....i freestyled almost every joint i ever did so what you telling me and if you was nice like that i probably taught you or was doing your sketches so you aint need a book .............
  9. thats what i said and been sayin exactly we will see about alot of shit when it happens....listen its not about me fuck me but you aint gonna tell me something when i know different because i did it for years its not just a couple of sketches trust me or just one or two people and its not to discredit them for doing it just when cats wanna dog me but bump anotha cat for doin my shit fuck that.period you look at shit from pre 1990 and then watch how everything just switches i wonder why and where it was coming from if the dudes who dont want people to know they was a customer just holla at me and say d yo dont do me like that and its gravy its not for me but i will enjoy it for sure im just going to host it.....its not going to be all rediculous but im a straight shooter these days because a lot of cats done forgot where they came from and this movie will be a defining installment to alot of stories told but details left out.....now its a few heads like shaken and arek and ryke who have openly done sketches from anybody not just me like im special and they always kept it real but i might hand you a piece of paper with 8 different styles at once every time i see you real talk....so its a lil deeper than that....i made a lot of people pretty in many avenues and im not mad but when i tell my story dont get mad and if ya asked a question be truthful i will ....................
  10. i have to say you two bolton and bam bam its been very enlightening and i will be sure to get you them dates bam bam dont worry never been fear in my heart for nothing when its real life i dont know you or this other clown so fuckin say what ever you want i know what time it is i never been hard to find and everybody gots my number reach out be a man im done building graf writers in bmore........haters keep hatin i will be here to call it how it is....the truth it is what it is ...if the truth gonna hurt peoples fealings or expose them to be phony or what ever than fuck it they dont need to be worried whats the problem you actin like you know off the rip your friends are phonies and you mad im going to expose them for my own credit....no im just the host......
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