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Posts posted by TheDemons

  1. Pleg sucks Kuetes wetback dick.Kuetes go back to Mexico with Santoes and Reload,this is America,my bitch.Pleg,Go back in hiding fucken drop out from a whole bunch of crews.Piece of shit,clamy hands fat fuck,fucken fat butter ball.-TheDemons 7:77

  2. you best,better pucker ur lips and kiss my black ass,nigaah.Dont tell me u carry a strap 2 cause ur bitch ass cant fight,huh,Nor? I bet u do,you aint goin to do shit wit it so I mite aswell take away and pistol whip you with ur own gun like SKEC AMC at the Oak town show.jejeje.Seen it wit my own eyes.Bitch deserved it.I`ll do the same 2 u 2 punk ass trick."Pow how you like me Now"-TheDemons 7:77

  3. just keep your mouth shut "AN" gots you in check bitch! jejeje.This mutha fucka saying we typn on dis bitch like were russians,nigga you use text,right? I bet you do,right? And I know for a fact u use words then you use them in slang,right? (meanig;shorten them off) Right stupid fuck,u just made urself look like a damn jerry curl wearing,duck tale, idiot.Fuck stupid damn kids these days need to get slapped da fuck out,just like Nor,Cash,An, and that bitch Gus Allen.Bitches.-TheDemons 7:77

  4. Peak ah Boo mutha fuckas,"AN" where are you punk as trick,son of a whore? You been hiding again in SF.Wheres your hound dog "Cash the Snatch"? On da really doh,yall bunch of fake as niggas trying to carry lil guns like your from da Wild Wild West,Get the fuck out this bitch,only snitches,scared bitches,paranoid mutha fuckas carry lil pop guns.But i believe you all do cause you fit all of thee above.I feel sorry for your muthas cause she probably know her sons a bitch for carry a pee shooter.Cant fight so these bitches gots to use guns jejejejejejeje,pussies.Thats why all your whole crew are dropping out cause all the steak beef you got with everybody including me.Fuck WkT.fuck Cash,Nor the whore,An,and Ebos or some shit like that.go eat a dick.-TheDemons 7:77

  5. lmao,wtf.lmao.(Born Gay Starlettes) On the real this is a joke,who the fuck cares where you hit up,you all are still toys.You know it yourselves that you guys are way behind the food chain,when i see your shit up (once every 3 months) I see you fucks trying to flare with stock caps,wtf! now thats plain stupid.Toys only do that,so what I`m trying to say is all you stupid fucks,have the same throwies,same handstyles,same ugly can control,and you all are the same toys.Get this one,I seen a tag today from you guys on a door,I walked up to it because it was washing away with the rain,I looked really closely and it was chalk.Fucken chalk!,wtf on the real highschoolers you sure all have to quit,dead on serious.I will shut this thread down too,you`ll see.jejeje.- TheDemons 7:77

  6. Ok,Lets starts this off.You kids that make these thread that say Shark city etc.,your full of it.You werent born when the Sharks Staduim got built,plus %90 of you aint sharks fans.2nd To all you nortenos and xivers,You hate scraps but when it comes down to Cinco De Mayo,your over there with Mexican flags on your car/trucks hoods,shirts,bandanas,underwear etc. sporting it.Did you know most scraps come from Mexico and your parents are mexican or of mexican decent,your parents are from the south of the border.lol.so basically im trying to say is why the fuck do you claim XIV when infact you get hella moist when Cinco De Mayo comes.lmao.fucken dumbasses.Mexico is in the South bitchs.So keep on sporting Mexico on Cinco De Mayo.Now fuck Shark City and claim the real thang ,San Jo and what.Now post pictures of this Lovely Graff Scene in SJ,CA.

  7. This thread is a FAIL just stop making then.

    ---your pal Jim Jim

    Dis Iz Da Maker Speakin,Hey Jimbo,I dnt think u realize I changed my name 2 TheDemons.So 4 ur signature I think u should change it 2 "TheDemons is my Homie".And yes dis iz da real Maker.Stat suck my balls n go eat a Dick,fuck WKT also.Anybody want 2 get at me "P`eme" me.As of now TheDemons shou sleep.Fuc everybody on dis thread n lick Hulk Hogans wrinkley asshole.-Your 1 and only TheMaker aka TheDemons 7:77

  8. Just want to let all you mother fuckers know,If I start seeing duplicates of pictures and toy shit.I will shut this mother fucken down just like i did with thr last two.So dont test me.Better be kind to this master mind.That is a warning,Aigght.Put all you mother fucken bitches in check and what,niggas.You aint going to do shit,so keep your fingers of the keyboard and dont try to respond talking shit.And what!-TheDemons 7:77

  9. Owsi selfpromo Toy of the year.dont even throw 3d on his throwies or fills them,Damn all bad.You should quit now because either way your going to get caught and we will never hear from you again.Plus your a A+ "Toy Boy".no style,no hit ups on main streets just 12oz fame and glory.The easy way in for all these toys,12oz worshipers.I come on here because I like to amuse people with my dandy work.Owsi you come on here to self promo on every whacked shit you do,like Moda.You so whacked people dont even want to take pictures of your shit,so you take your own pictures and post them.jejeje. What a is this world coming to? Owsi, "Help me to Help you".Stay up King Owsi,lmao.- TheDemons 7:77

  10. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    you retard you must be light headed hahahahaaha

    if you have anything riding 8 or 9 years from now (you wont) ill tag over it and get it buffed then see how you feel. Oh by the way the people your biting right now probably bit off orn at one point because all you little san jose folks dont know shit about graffiti outside SJ. your a toy.

    and the same to toy little kuchiman. ill be giving kelso a shoulderback ride all the way to your house then demonstrating how gay i am by skewering your eye out then skull fucking the living shit out of you. hahaha. im just playing. your a nobody not gunna waste my time getting annoyed at you silly goose. but seriously this is actually irritating, this is why san jose is always gunna be stuck in toylight zone because all your mentalities are fucking retarded. you know orfn was in def? you know, the def that became tdm before it was a tagbanging crew? no you dont because youre ignorant and dont wanna change your mindset. fuck getting worked up again. the point is SJ has a cool history and the sheer volume of toys has reduced it to a piece of crap city no one wwants to paint in. try to dig yourselves out of this hole. drunken ramble assholer oner bye


    Props to putyouonblast.Im going to agree with you.listen to this guy,he is talking mad shit and all you puss pusses aint going to do shit.he is like,me tells the mutha fuc-ken truth.im diggn this.you stepped up to TheDemons ranks.good job on your history and for speaking your mind.Now on the other note "Fuck You - Moda,Ameba,Draz (snitch),Dolor (still a bite) to all my little bitches from WKT and Aot,your monthly fees are due..so you better pay up,kid.-TheDemons 7:77

  11. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    This is TheMaker speaking,Stat you fucking toy,Let me tell why i changed my mother fucking screen name because you little bitches couldnt handle the truth so I got bannded.I found out you were one of the fucks that reported on me (snitched) so imagine folks could this toy be trusted,nope.Now I just want to say fuck Aot,I`ll tell that shit to your fucken mug,don`t mother fucken test me Stat or else I have to go to the South Side and drag you to the real world.You stay in the SOUTH SIDE so long you got roots growing on your feet.Come and explore the cities in East Bay.Don`t stay cooped up in the SSSJ like that bitch made Moda.I heard Draz has a rap sheet,he snitched on some fool so I wouldn`t trust that bitch and that shit is on the real. - TheDemons aka TheMaker 4:12

  12. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    :confused: some fucked up shit not no one from the A thats for sure:lol:

    Damn you guys really let yourselves go.Like those two fat bitches that work in Hot Topic in Eastridge.Its all bad,you season writers got to quit.What ever happen to NC,176,and HYB? huh just one of them came and went crews.to bad they sucked dick any ways.Hey tuf guy,Stat eat a dick. -TheDemons

  13. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    so my lady is waiting for me to be done with my homework so that she can come over but actually im just looking at 12oz.


    does that make me gay?


    No that doesn`t make you gay.But give her my adress and I fucken bone that bitch hella hard.I`ll pull her fucken hair while im hitting it from the back and she`ll be looking at 12oz on my laptop,yelling "Daddy D".Trust me I`ll make her my bitch and make that pussy looked warped after im done with her.I wiil fill her up like a cream pie and send her back to you with gallons of cum in her stomach.Tell that little whore to give me a call. Yeah! - TheDemons

  14. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    Wait,Big throw ups over little throw ups,what the fuck.Why didnt you just bust a big fat straight letter roller? uggh ok,fucken stupids.But I give it to you guys for at least doing it clean and going over some sloppy throw ups.You sure did kill them with it.But i think its kind of gay having a sweaty ball sack on the back of your neck because it looks like you did the human ladder.Fucken fags and it looks like the guy at the bottom likes it. Well good work and next time put a towel on your neck. - TheDemons

  15. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    To whom it may concern:Why do people have a need to put four dots? Is it your a gangbanger,tagbanger or a norteno.I really dont give a fuck about those for dots,if your putting them up because your a norteno,then sport your colors with a bandana on your head,naw people wouldnt do that because they put up a front with them four dots.To much of a pussy to sport them colors afraid they mite get stabed or shot.Or is it because your proud to be in Northern California,It dont matter your a fucken writer not a tagbanger.I dare you to go to L.A. and put those four dots infront of Surenos,lets see what happens.Shit i dont give a fuck where im from.Im just doing my thing and fucking bitches,while you fucks put them ugly four dots up.Theres a difference between a writer and a tagbanger,the difference is obivious.So little dumb fucks,be a leader not a follower,dont follow the seen,do you.-TheDemons 2:15

  16. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    hey anthony we heard you been hella doing work on your sister back pack.thats the only place you hit up.your a nobody.no one cares for you,when you die we are going to mark your grave stone with TheDemons where here and piss on you grave stone,so you can taste our piss in the after life.foreveer foreveer just like in (Sandlot)-TheDemons

  17. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    We think if your going to be a writer you should at least paint in the back of your yard the way Moda does.We believe if you aint good on paper then dont bring it to the tunnels or the streets,leave it in your manila folder.Fucken toys get us pissed.Trying to use good paint like its going to make a difference on wht they do.You will always be a toy and nobody will miss you -TheDemons

  18. Re: ---->WEAR THE SHARCKS ROME<----


    bump that ower,iguey, and solr!


    To who it may concern:I never heard of these faggets and probably wont ever again because they mite drop just like i seen so many.This city is just plagued with toys that try to put pics up on this bitch to get E-FAME as for me,you know who I'am and you know how it works.I talk shit and you stay quiet.Listen,there aint no good writers like OWSI,hes the man,the toy of all toys,put your PS3 and you XBOX360 away because his shit is whacked.This shit is going to entertain you better then your systems.lmao.Watch me see you -TheDemons

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