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Everything posted by skeetfunk

  1. tryna come up with differnet styles.. the no neg attempt was a fail haha any pointers on anything?
  2. thats the most intense response to a sketch ive seen thus far hahah
  3. working on connections and shit the negative arrow was an afterthought but i thought it was coool where do you see room for improvement?
  4. that zoinx is fuckin fire! so is that perl freight and that skate park got blessed for sure
  5. also as a crit i would either thin out the super chunky outer outline or go with a 3d. it looks off with the outline that huge imo
  6. that looks like an ILL spot to paint little pieces
  7. damn those housees in the background are HUUUGEE
  8. those nipples dude... look like some salami nips or some shit hahaha dayyyumm theyre big haha
  9. i doubt that would make a difference but like i said just lay down the dark and when its still wet go over it with the lighter one. also i havent tried but i dont think you could get a good fade with like random ass colors yanno like purple n green. so try different shades of the same color
  10. now how does that work??? does it darken the colors at all? nd i learned by reading a post of mynd tellin you how to do it haha
  11. also can i get crits on my sketch? freak you say the o is too small but i was kinda goin for that disproportional thang with the s below it balencing it out. but i do agree it should be changed. either rotated a bit or switch the angles up or sumthin
  12. also speak. not bein a hater but that throw is neither fresh nor clean. the letters look chunky nd forced. you just gotta get looser
  13. i use my straight baller powers over the prismas haha. naw you just gotta lay down each layer of color then go back from dark to light and on the edge of each section go over with the darker one then while its still wet hit it up with the lighter one. i find that i get kind of a band of darker colors near the fade area so i just basically redo the whole fill. idk if that makes any sense but yah.
  14. i always sketch more in class than out of class...
  15. the lma flicks in here are dope
  16. so i never played that game. did it suck?
  17. feeling that kind of fill nd three d
  18. a lil sloppy. what do you think?
  19. the shadow on the handstyle is ill!
  20. any crits on the mosk then?
  21. biting like it wasnt nothin
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