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Posts posted by goatjuggernaut

  1. Also




    Hollister? I did one there this month. I hate running and don't know how to do it, first time doing a footrace, obstacles were a joke - running was a pain in the ass. Did better than I expected I would. Starting to run more to work up to a Tuff Mudder.



    Bike-wise, I'm looking for a decent road bike - I've been riding fixed for too long and like most people I've realized that I want to get more out of the road. Anyone have suggestions on road bikes around 1K? Good used models to look for on CL? I've been eyeing CAAD9-10's and some Specialized but really don't have much of a baseboard to judge these things with.


    Racing a crummy alley cat next weekend. Trying to get more track days in too.

  2. 395278_10150554663997579_107067687578_9038321_793419101_n.jpg

    The lunch rider for the creative director for Specialized.


    Also, I've been digging this bike - the Volume Generator. I had been wanting to build up a 5 speed, disc brake city bike for the winter and this pretty much fits the bill. Not the best looking, but it runs an 8 speed internal rear hub and looks like it would be a lot of fun to beat the shit out of. Anyone had any experience with the Alfine internal hub?


  3. I totally should have thrown it off a cliff instead of buying those. Fuck.


    But honestly, they worked and they don't weigh anything significant. Take a poo before you ride?

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