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Everything posted by dutyfree

  1. looks like freightfisheroner is doing a fine job... thank you
  2. funny I was just thinking about how nice it was to see flicks from other people besides the stlphotographer. i'm thinking missouri graffiti will continue to get posted with or without salty old farts like myself. i like keeping up with it so consider me one of the people that is encouraging artfinder, bearmace and whoever else wants to post.
  3. that's a real cool shot of that
  4. trust me stlphotoguy the feeling is mutual...
  5. i love it... a photographer talking down to me on the internet w/ some "put up or shut up" shit... guess what dood. you don't get to act like that when you're just a photographer. again... shut up and let the writers do their thing. if you want to take pictures that's awesome. we are all glad you're here documenting the stuff we do. that's your place. the other aspect of this whole thing... not so much.
  6. i'm thinking the concept of improving your throwups is self explanatory.
  7. since when did photophraphers have any business talking shit? why don't you stick to what you do best and leave the actual graffiti up to the people that do it?
  8. now that i've been a hater... I'll say KINK actually seems to have worked on it the way i'm explaining. Some good friends of mine... Who will also remain nameless just don't care which is also fine too. Not like i'm trying to be mr. tell ya how it's done. :)
  9. so I'm not going to call anybody out by name but... you guys got to improve your throwup letters... it's not as simple as doing pieces and then when you feel like it do a throwup.
  10. nice durag tribute... dood paints good stuff.
  11. damn that obces w/ the skull and crossbones... love that.
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