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Everything posted by KADE_ONE

  1. false tpbm hates when peopel exagerate when their high
  2. false tpbm is so poor that he slangs
  3. false i need to stock up or rack some tpbm racks what ever they want
  4. false painters touch,rusto and osh all day tpbm buys expensive paint
  5. true at times tpbm is straigth up to peopel
  6. false tpbm got post cut by me in another thread
  7. true tpbm hates when asian in the corner market tell you to hurry up
  8. false im the devil tpbm thinks milk is good in a hot day
  9. true your mom is like a grill they like to slap meat on it or your mom is so stupid when i told her,her birth day was around the corner she went looking for it tpbm think my jokes suck :(
  10. false tpbm knows funny yo mama jokes
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