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Everything posted by wearekilluminati

  1. "The Bush (Sr) Administration, would like to make the U.N. a cornerstone of its plans to construct a New World Order." - Time Magazine, September 17, 1990
  2. ya people literally make me laugh................................mk ultra...............any one ever heard of that?
  3. no not maybe.....you are. and i do know what happened, i just wanted to know what type of "logical bullshit" you would throw out there...
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^you are a joke...............
  5. yea a nut job huh? hey christo so what happened to mr john wheeler? im asking a honest question. what happened? any one?
  6. wearekilluminati


    shut the toilet seat down dude
  7. wearekilluminati


  8. read all the things you all wrote and i just want to say thank you for the props and to the people supporting the defacement that it hurts. i never professed to being a graffiti writer but when i arrived in nyc in 78 i quickly met many artists and writers and i would bomb the city up and down manhattan and even bombed the train with pics to prove it. i still never called myself a grafitti writer although i use spray paint and i legally(and illegally) paint all over the city(soon to paint over 100 gates in nyc,legally). i make paintings with spray paint and i think i have a lot to offer the graffiti world. one thing i do know is that when you dis someone you should have a really good reason and hopefully improve what as there before. its an act of violence and aggression and it really does hurt but i know that doing public art you set yourself up for that. i did the mural purely out of love, i didnt and dont get paid to paint walls. i dont believe in hurting someone especially someone you dont even know. if the tags on top of my painting were meant to hurt me well they did. i dont know these guys and dont really understand their motive other than maybe a frustrated attempt at attention. i hope they get their pleasure but i doubt they truly will benefit in any way. ouch! graffiti will be graffiti.........................i love it mayne NYC where ya @
  9. wearekilluminati


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^its not a conspiracy, when its the truth. BRAH
  10. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- oh my....................................................oh my....................................................................................ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  11. wearekilluminati


    Julian Assange Gets Another Payday Posted on December 26, 2010 by willyloman by Scott Creighton Julian Assange is looking to hit pay-dirt once again as reports of a new book deal with a subsidiary of Random House are surfacing. “The book deal is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $1.5 million and he’s expected to deliver the manuscript in March.” Huffington Post Of course, he’s only doing it for all of us. “According to SBS, an Australian news outlet, he told Britain’s Sunday Times that, “I don’t want to write this book, but I have to.”" “I have already spent 200,000 pounds for legal costs and I need to defend myself and to keep WikiLeaks afloat,” he added. It was recently announced that Assange is drawing a salary of roughly $86,000 per year from WikiLeaks. Huffington Post What a reluctant hero that Julian Assange is, huh? How noble of him to make the ultimate sacrifice by allowing a globalist publication firm to pay him 1.5 million dollars for attaching his name to a ghost written biography. Will this guy’s heroic actions never cease? Here’s a partial list of other authors that Julian’s publishing house has deals with.. Thomas Kean co-chair 9/11 Commision Report Lee H. Hamilton co-chair 9/11 Commision Report Bill Clinton just thought this was interesting.
  12. wearekilluminati


    while i jam to jedi mind tricks......................
  13. wearekilluminati


    in order to n this war is you have get off your fatt ass of the couch or desk what ever you mamon like to sit on, stop playing arcade games. learn some knowledge whether what medium is preferred. and stop being a good for nothing bastard. end of story...
  14. wearekilluminati


    oh yes i am mate..................the reason why is because i don't let my self get fooled..unlike yourself bloody Mate
  15. wearekilluminati


    its called global theatrics.........its a wwwar on your mind........im winning this war the only problem is that theyre winning the war on your mind.
  16. wearekilluminati


    Non-Surprise: Assange’s Accuser Linked To CIAPosted by voxmagi on December 6, 2010 Anna Ardin An interesting ‘coincidence’ in the still unfolding honey pot trap that has ensnared Julian Assange. From Kirk Murphy at Firedoglake.com: Yesterday Alexander Cockburn reminded us of the news Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett broke at Counterpunch in September. Julian Assange’s chief accuser in Sweden has a significant history of work with anti-Castro groups, at least one of which is US funded and openly supported by a former CIA agent convicted in the mass murder of seventy three Cubans on an airliner he was involved in blowing up. Anna Ardin (the official complainant) is often described by the media as a “leftist”. She has ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups. She published her anti-Castro diatribes (see here and here) in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas put out by Misceláneas de Cuba. From Oslo, Professor Michael Seltzer points out that this periodical is the product of a well-financed anti-Castro organization in Sweden. He further notes that the group is connected with Union Liberal Cubana led by Carlos Alberto Montaner whose CIA ties were exposed here. Quelle surprise, no? Shamir and Bennett went on to write about Ardin’s history in Cuba with a US funded group openly supported by a real terrorist: Luis Posada Carriles. In Cuba she interacted with the feminist anti-Castro group Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White). This group receives US government funds and the convicted anti-communist terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is a friend and supporter. Wikipedia quotes Hebe de Bonafini, president of the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo as saying that “the so-called Ladies in White defend the terrorism of the United States.” Who is Luis Posada Carriles? He’s a mass murderer, and former CIA agent… [continues at at Firedoglake.com]
  17. wearekilluminati


    the truth has its ways to come out....
  18. wearekilluminati


    It is surely just a coincidence that the law firm – Finers Stephens Innocent – which represents Julian Assange and set up the Julian Assange Defense Fund is also legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust; that the partially Rothschild-owned Economist gave Assange its 2008 Freedom of Expression Award; that Lord Rothschild is deputy chairman of BSkyB, whose warmongering chairman, Rupert Murdoch, and his propagandist father were lauded as fearless advocates of the truth by the WikiLeaks founder in an op-ed in the Murdoch-owned The Australian; that the only world leader “undoubtedly delighted” by the leaks, Benjamin Netanyahu – who often stays with Murdoch in London and has the award-winning pro-Israel media magnate on his “list of millionaires” (i.e. potential donors) – was singled out by Assange as a believer in diplomatic transparency; and that WikiLeaks has provided an unexpected “diplomatic coup” for the criminal state which was first promised to British Zionists in an enigmatic 1917 letter to an earlier Lord Rothschild. These intriguing connections, which might appear suspicious to those suffering from the “crippled epistemology” associated with anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists, are undoubtedly coincidental.
  19. wearekilluminati


    they got war in their mind.......................................war in their mind..........................................war in my mind..
  20. wearekilluminati


    "The Wikileaks project brings to mind the 'recommendations' of Cass Sunstein, who heads the Obama White House's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs... "As outlined by Daniel Tencer in Obama Staffer Calls for "Cognitive Infiltration" of " 9/11 Conspiracy Groups": "Sunstein 'argued that the government should stealthily infiltrate groups that pose alternative theories on historical events via ‘chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine’ those groups'." "Over the last seven months, the London based Frontline Club has served as de facto U.K 'headquarters' for Wikileaks. "The Frontline Club is an initiative of Henry Vaughan Lockhart Smith "Upon his release from bail, Julian Assange was provided refuge at Vaughan Smith's Ellingham Manor in Norfolk. "The Frontline Club is an establishment media outfit. "Vaughan Smith writes for the NATO Review. (See NATO Web TV Channel and NATO Nations: Accurate, Reliable and Convenient). "His relationship to NATO goes back to 1998 when he worked as a video journalist in Kosovo. In 2010, he was 'embedded with a platoon from the British Grenadier Guards' during Operation Moshtarak in Afghanistan's Helmand Province. (PBS NewsHour, February 19, 2010). "According to the New York Times, The Frontline Club 'has received financing for its events from the Open Society Institute'. (In London, a Haven and a Forum for War Reporters - New York Times, 28 August 2006)" The Open Society Institute is a George Soros group.
  21. wearekilluminati


    George Soros is said to be one of the people behind Wikileaks. Hungarian-born George Soros reportedly has links to the Rothschilds, Mark Rich and Rafi Eytan. (The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros) Soros allegedly "spent the war in Hungary under false papers working for the Nazi government, identifying and expropriating the property of wealthy fellow Jews." (The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros) George Soros reportedly played a part in undermining banks and currencies during the Asian financial crisis of 1997. (George Soros' role in the Asia Crisis of 1997) Journalist Julie Lévesque has listed some of Wikileaks' connections to the Establishment. Here are some brief extracts from "Who's Who at Wikileaks?", which appears at Global Research on 20 December 2010. "One thing we can confirm is that Julian Assange was in communication with people working for NASA and the Los Alamos Lab in the 1990s." "Some interesting facts about several members listed in 2008 on the Wikileaks advisory board, including organizations to which they belong or have links to... Philip Adams 'held key posts in Australian governmental media administration' "Adams 'chairs the Advisory Board of the Centre for the Mind at Sydney University and the Australian National University'. CFR member Michael Spence also serves on this board and Rupert Murdoch’s son, Lachlan Murdoch, has served... The 2008 Distinguished Fellow of the Center for the Mind was ...Tony Blair."
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