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Everything posted by stayposi831

  1. Sorry kade but there was no sarcasm intended. You lost "br0"
  2. Kade, I'm pretty sure if "aeus" asked sour if he knew you, sour would say no. Reason is, you didn't tell him what you wrote. Score one for aeus WINNING.
  3. This thread is craazzzyyyyy
  4. CTK CFA SE All doing it right now
  5. Props to everyone out there trying, keep up th work. Seein some newer people in here, just keep it simple, work with your bars, develop you're own style or towo. Don't rush things :p SGB TNG WVK
  6. Same style, same spots, same colors. You hack that tng? Pm me
  7. Beautiful Santa Cruz(: ^^^^^^^^^
  8. Mosk, 3ds off a bit but clean style nonetheless
  9. Quickie with a little color Crits on everything above porfavor.
  10. In RADEs blackbook Will finish later
  11. Kebs Peso Motion Sesos TNG SGB WVK CFA SE
  12. Anyone and everyone starting out, sketch the fuck outta your notebooks binders computer paper reams, everythin of the sort. Start off simple, work with your bars, proportionizing everything you can. Learn how to structure your letters the simple way, over time, you'll get better. I'm not implying that I am a great writer, bbut I don understand the concept of structured letters and proportions. Bump yokai and mosk, shit just keeps getting better(:
  13. JNeon thanks, I just rolled a blunt, sat down, and sketched haha. And yee I know my shits just black and white on binder paper usually, Its just more convenient, I hate spending money on markers and I haven't gone racking for a coo minute. But I'm looking to get some markers soon, hopefully. And jerk, litle slips here and there go impatient haha, just some random style i think I'm going to start working with.
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