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Everything posted by jerrybrudos..

  1. why because its true ... do u even know what a trow up is hahahaha!!! beacause that fean in the last page was just a tagg homie...
  2. the superbowl was a good game it could of gone either way but i still say steelers all day!!!!
  3. taste this swelllllll[/img] i wouldnt be talking bearsdance
  4. the homies will get this hahahahah!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. ^^^^ hahaha serio just cus u drink miller high lifes dont make you a higher class
  6. Im just saying that sounds like your dissing your race ke no im just saying nit trying to start shit
  7. Lower class mexicans?? Really?
  8. Cmon gow you know steelers has this playa :)
  9. ill break him in half ha!!!!
  10. i correct myself .... if he dint touch a minor???? then why is he in????
  11. then why is he in prison ????? if he aint a gangster then why is he in doing over 7 years huh???
  12. then what is he cos he has alot of southerners in his music n he affiliates with them
  13. ^^^ your signature is from south park mexican =0
  14. what host did he go over???? host8????:confused:
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