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Posts posted by Spawn-Of-Sham

  1. It's been a while on a sketch. PLEASE ignore the black in the 3d for part of the E lol. I started it and decided it looked super gay with the black and red. :(




    this! and do it, itll be dope trust me.

  2. yo spawn liking that sketch the N to T is much better, but the top of the r seems to thick and the top of the a could come down a little


    Thanks man, appreciate it. And yeah I feel ya. I like the idea of what I tried to do its just hard to get it just right.

    Jerk ur j looks like a backwards l. Put some curve on it. Make that generic e your own somehow. R is smooth but its been done. K I'm not lovin the top flatness doesn't fit and the large oval on the leg needs either turning or to come out

  3. That shits fire bitch. Yo here's my opinion cuz you asked, go back like blackbook#1 and revisit shit yo. Those fills back then fuckin kill. (Haha "back then") all we gotta go is get that fag off his ass and we can fuckin crush again. As for the pieces, orang boy: you have yellow in the arrows and that's it, if ur gunna have it have it evenly distributed. Gray: proportions, A comes down and the rest share height feel me? I is fat. The curve on the p is detached and that's the only place something is, it doesn't fit and hurts it overall so either connect it or detatch other shit

  4. Shits lookin good sewek, but for the brownish grey one with the comic explosion I woulda made the tiny middle bar on the e's a cunt hair longer each.

    And someone tell zomb to get off his ass and get back to sketchin and progressin instead of bein lazy and doin shit throws!

  5. ORSE

    Look at the flow of the stencil and try to come up with one similar, there's a lot os hard edge and pointy shit goin on so incorporate that too.



    The best red/darkred fade is at the bottom of the o imo. Make more of a variety in how you color, evert letter doesn't need to be half dark half regular, just make it random and have fun. And how that pink and blue make purple I would made that fade more on the top rather than have the top of the purple be straight.


    Just my four cents, you each get two:D

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