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Everything posted by Kasle

  1. Man, NY artists are lucky. Mad dope spots, and mad dope artists. It's a dream for this Florida boy to one day get up in NY. You guys got tha heaven spots, for real.
  2. Kasle

    Orlando Thread

    Maybe I'm in the wrong part of the town, or something, but I just don't see the art like this ANYHWHERE in Orlando unless it's legal walls down town. Where's all the paint? Where are all the artists? I'm in the wrong part of this damn city! Keep up the flix.
  3. This is what's up. I love seeing the Orlando trains thread. I'd love to get down on some of that.
  4. Forget the beef, the paint is the mad notes! Keep up the sick flix and forget the beef.
  5. SFL Is representing! Awesome flix, keep them coming. CFL myself.
  6. Vise, I like the second throwie sketch a lot more than the first. Though the style is not origional, it's good. Find a way to own each letter and make it your own. ^_^
  7. I'm a total toy myself, but all I can say is, same for me, practice makes perfect.
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