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Posts posted by jiver

  1. "We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing."

  2. kuthe nsf?


    nice job rune goin over people... i cant read the hand but that outtatowners over natives action is bullshit,


    He went over a belev hand...that's just disrespectful

  3. 0507001716.th.jpg


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Asper: Work on making those bars more even, your letters are too top heavy.

    Apply that knowledge with a shitload of simples until you've mastered that.

    Shulgin: Just work on simple block letters dude. :rolleyes:

    Weakfinger: Dope throws! On that last sketch the upper left side of the S is very awkward though, I'm not feeling it.

    Soul: Can't tell if you're attempting to do a throw or a piece. Work on simples before you try to get funky, and make your letters proportionately even.

    Backup: Fix the K on that first sketch so that it isn't standing out like that. You also might want to try an even simpler style if that makes any sense....you use too many cuts and I can already see that you're trying to progress to fast, but keep it at a steady pace.


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