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@shy l@rry

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Everything posted by @shy l@rry

  1. why would you dumb fucks go over mean?
  2. where are all the lcm esd flicks at? bumpb REOT AND DAYTA*
  3. so what have i missed?
  4. Who gives a Fuck, what has he done for me lately?
  5. I Fuck buying paint, I just copped a washer and dryer...next on my list is all new hardwood flooring. circuit breakers ftw!!!!
  6. Cool norm piece. streetfiles.org/img/user/20225/L/2YbPYstkEHjuItiHly2t1216995571.jpg
  7. No letter structure, cool colors tho.
  8. Core surveillance 339 maple st Salinas ca 831-771-2673 Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/coresurveillance?sk=wall Employee http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=555619225&m2w Now we know where it is and who it is. Peace out oontz.
  9. Just picked up a sweet bbq grill at home depot...store credit ftw!!!!
  10. And thais why you don't blow up yards.
  11. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to screaming hand logo again.
  12. I'm sure I can post a bigger one. But I think that one gets my point across.
  13. Some good music right here.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=vyBIkEeogq4
  14. Bump the *****@ full of idiots driving around Oldtown last night... If you guys circled the block to look for us, you should have said what's up. Not just drove off, next time stop, so I can get your paint.... P.s I smeared you puff tags... Signed anonymous....
  15. Это было действительно здорово видеть так много граффити, в то время я был out.there посещения
  16. pretty sure your just a pussy....that has the luxury of hiding behind a screen name.
  17. Yeah I think he's Russian and spic.
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